Dorchester — Jan 14th 2014

John introduced the meeting with 24 members present, including visitors from the Bournemouth group.

The meeting would include
Mick, email etc; junk mail
Euan, 30 years of the Mac

John announced that the talk on Numbers is postponed until next month, and if members have v3.0.1 on their machines, they will be able to fully participate in the practical illustrations.

Mick explained that the EGM was to confirm or reject the proposed new constitution, which, together with the existing constitution, is on the Club website. Briefly, the New one has local members electing the organiser of each local group. Also the post of Ambassador is deleted as it serves no very clear purpose. Motion to approve the new constitution was carried nem con.

Mick then spoke on Email - POP or IMAP? And How to deal with Spam.

Explained difference. Regard IMAP as looking at ISP inbound and outbound server, such that all devices share the same view of both incoming and outgoing mail.

In POP can Bcc to yourself so that main Mac keeps copy of all messages sent from all devices. One can set up rule to move such blind copies to 'sent' box.

Dealing with Spam
- What is spam? Criteria vary.
- How to deal with it
- Via ISP - spam filter - can label, move to a spam folder (need to check this regularly), delete entirely, or do nothing,
- Apple Mail has built in junk filter (mail coloured brown in Inbox). Can exempt mail from filtering e.g. if it comes from Contacts List, although this approach has drawbacks.
- Can check mail on ISP server before downloading (Suggested Mailbox Manager from App Store).

- How to paste a scanned document into Pages - save scan on desktop and then drag icon to Pages.

After the break, Euan celebrated 30 years of the Mac.

He, and helpers bore three apple pies, topped by 30 candles, into the meeting, and distributed the 24 slices to the assembled company, which consumed them with much appreciation.See and add your photos if you have any! Email them to David or Euan, and I will add them to the gallery.

On 21 Jan 1984 the 128K Mac was announced at Stanford Super Bowl by Steve Jobs, unusually wearing a bow tie.

Euan demonstrated the Mac Classic emulator and in particular MacPaint, MacWrite, and MacDraw, the 128k Mac is older than the Classic and dates back to January 1984 until October 1985. Many were upgraded to MacPlus in 1986 after Apple made an unrefusably generous offer.

Euan then showed us a video of Steve Jobs' presentation on the Lisa, which was the forerunner to the Mac on which the Mac was based, followed by the iconic ad in which a female athlete, highlighted in rich colour, throws a hammer, smashing a screen upon which massed worker clones are being addressed by Big Brother, all in dreary monochrome, which ends with the message "1984 will not be like "1984".

Euan brought along an original, but non working 128K Mac. David brought a Classic Mac upon which we were able to try our skills with the Mombasa game. These went on sale in October 1990 and were available until September 1992.



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Mark Ford said…

Splendid meeting - particularly the celebration that Euan put together.
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