Dorchester — Nov 12th 2013

There were 21 people at the meeting. Georgia's questionnaire had been completed by 17 members and David reported on the results. A pdf of the Keynote presentation that he used can be found here: with an analysis and interesting details of those subjects that we might cover in the future.
It can be summed up thus:
1) A clear need to understand the working of the Cloud emerged.
2) Anything on iPhoto & photography will be welcome.
3) OSX needs to dominate over iOS although this may change over time.
4) Members need to make more use of the club's website.
5) Attention should be paid to the basic Apple applications.

Many thanks to Georgia for setting it up and so many for responding.

After we had finished our coffee or beer and been called back from the bar Mick gave us a timely presentation on installing Mavericks and the most obvious changes that it brought. Among them are the arrival of iBooks, Maps, changes to iCloud Keychain, Calendar, Notifications, Finder tags and Mail. Recent updates to Keynote, iPhoto, and Pages were noted together with some issues that this threw up. As some applications had been completely rewritten recently earlier versions are retained and can be found in the Applications list as was the case with iMovie some time ago.

Mark is taking early retirement and David (Moon) will be the organiser of the Dorchester meetings from December onwards.


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