Dorchester — Feb 12th 2013

28 members and guests turned up for the February meeting, which was introduced by John, and had more time than usual devoted to the Q&A aspect.

First, David gave a presentation on 'iPad for paperless meetings' which can be found in the Discussions section of the website at
A few points were: Mac and iPad complement each other; Dropbox is key to paperless working; Standardise on pdf for circulating papers before meetings; if you use pdfs, then can use dropbox or iBooks to store them on iPad the latter have thumbnails at bottom to find individual pages.

Tom made the point that you can create folders in iBooks to store e.g. multiple files for a meeting.

Gordon then gave a presentation on Google Docs Collaboration. One can start by logging in to Google, then opening a new document of one of these types: Text, Spreadsheet, Form,or Presentation

You can then share this with others by sending a link, or providing their e-mail address. They can be allowed to view / comment / edit text. This raises the horrendous (but not so to Gordon) vision of spreadsheets and text documents being worked on at the same time by many contributors. Apparently, Gordon tends to work this way, so it must have benefits in some circumstances, given a good degree of agreement between the contributors!

Two parallel Q&A sessions on Mac (led by Mick) and iOS devices (led by Gordon and Martin) followed the break.


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