Fareham — Nov 30th 2013
The topic was Mavericks, Derek led the discussion with a demonstration of the improved dictation facility in Mavericks, it is now possible to download the translation/dictionary file to the computer to dramatically improve the speed of translation from voice to text. The previous incarnation of Dictation required the voice file to be sent to Apple to be translated into text, requiring a speedy internet connection.
We were then shown an overview video of the highlights of Mavericks and a more detailed video of the new features in Finder. A copy of the several videos were handed out for home viewing and some extracts from various Mavericks related web pages.
As part of the distribution of the files, we invoked Airdrop and also enabled Airdrop onto machines that do not support Airdrop with out some Terminal magic.
The next meeting will be on the 25th January 2014.
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