Salisbury — Oct 3rd 2007
Twenty one of us made the effort and were (hopefully!) rewarded by an explanation of how e-mail works its way around the internet and how our ISPs deal with it. We then moved on to how to set up Mail for use as your email client and briefly touched on the use of signatures, rules and finally the ever present spam!
Some learned a lot but almost everyone learned something from the presentation. The tip of the month - tabbed browsing - was a surprise to many with whispered "I never knew that" coming from various parts of the room. There was an extra bonus as I was able to bully Linda Dibben into showing us another tip in Safari so our first presentation (O.K. well a very short one!) from someone other than the organiser! Thank you Linda. I now expect to be inundated with volunteers for next month ;-)
Mick Burrell
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