Dorchester — Nov 13th 2012

John opened the meeting with 18 members present.

Michael was unable to attend so we didn’t learn about what a marvellous application Pages is. Hopefully this is a treat for a future meeting.

Barry had his presentation on Aperture ready and we commenced with that. The first recommendation was one which we have heard many times in the past - some heed it but more should - back up your data on a regular basis. Photographs cannot be reconstituted and once lost are gone for ever.

Second recommendation was to use RAW when possible - doesn’t seem to be a synonym but means the data captured by the camera has not been pre-processed in any way. You can therefore use the features of the application but return easily to the original format. This triggered discussion on saving intermediate versions of processed photographs but without a clear decision.

Aperture has myriad attributes in the way of sharpening, rendering and contrast changing. The ability to use single keyboard strokes to activate some processes was a useful new technique for some members. There is scope for Barry to return for a further presentation on some of the items he didn’t get round to talk about.

After a break there was a Questions and Answers session. Emergency restarts for machines with and without operating system disks were explained and demonstrated by Euan followed by a dramatic demonstration of how to clean fluff out of a mouse.

There had been a previous discussion about identifying a scanner to allow members to put old 35mm material (slides or film) into digital format. Tom, Steve and Euan with assistance from Lionel had conducted a research project and identified a suitable piece of kit - the Ion Film25D Pro mark 3. A U-Tube advertisement was shown and the details of operations verbally discussed. It is proposed that one scanner is purchased and Tom agreed to be the custodian. A protocol for use was discussed and will be written for reference.

If this turns out to be a successful operation the use will be extended to other groups or further scanners purchased.

Mark asked that topics for future meetings be proposed and reminded those present that there might be seasonal refreshments at the next meeting.



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