Fareham — Feb 25th 2012
The main topic was a run through of the Utilities folder (or directory) looking at the programs and discussing where one could use them and their contribution to the good running of OSX.
Utilities that drew extra attention and perhaps the opportunity for further investigation:
Keychain Access
Automator (actually in Applications not in Utilities)
Grapher - for the quick graphing of equations - mastering the input process being a bit of a challenge.
Grab - this was compared with SnapNDrag - a free app from the internet, to obtain screen captures. As for which is best - most probably the one that one is used to.
After the main topic the discussion opened up including the difficulties of working inside the iMac and the difficulties of swapping drives on the recent models as replacement drives have to be “blessed” by Apple rather than buying off the shelf SATA drives.
Firefox security was discussed with fears being expressed that passwords were open, however investigations after the meeting showed that there was similar features in Firefox and Safari re protecting passwords.
At the March meeting Andy Banks will be talking about Terminal and showing what one can do in the UNIX layer.
Martin Spencely is to give a demo of a rare vintage Mac Operating System, few have seen and even fewer have used and a discussion on how it is relevant to the Mac and iPhone OS's of today.
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