Salisbury — Sep 28th 2011
Lionel began by giving a personal view of his experiences downloading and working with Lion over the last few weeks. It appears that this is one of the most significant upgrades to MAC OSX since its introduction and it would also appear that this is just the first of a series of developments bringing OSX and iOS closer together.
Some of the innovations were immediately appreciated such as Launchpad and Mission Control although Lionel thought the terminology a bit childish and more akin to Star Wars. Mail was also liked though it was pointed out that for those preferring the old format this was still possible through preferences.
Some other innovations took time to appreciate, one of these was Natural Scrolling though with a little practice this became a more logical procedure. The Resume function was not so happily accepted and fortunately this can be turned off in System Preferences.
Other members who had also upgraded gave their views and a general discussion followed. We also experimented with Airdrop some had machines young enough to have it enabled as standard and others had used the suggestion for enabling it on older Macs to be found on the club discussion board.
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