Bournemouth — Oct 19th 2010
Our Chairman, Mick Burrell presented his annual report outlining the activities of the four meeting venues, the general outlook for WAMUG and a look at the future. He didn’t quite achieve his target for this of seven ad a half minutes - but his report was certainly clear and concise. Lionel Ogden in his capacity as Treasurer gave a report showing the healthy state of our finances
WAMUG has had a good year, and it appears that with an attendance of some 40-45% of members at meetings, we are doing very well indeed since most MUGs do not manage more than 20-25%.
One important change to the constitution of WAMUG which has been sent out in the last few bulletins is that which eliminates the need for an AGM if there is no need to vote for new Committee Members - in other words, if the incumbents are staying in position. This was passed unanimously.
Both reports will shortly be appearing on the web site to allow those unable to attend the AGM to get a full picture of our activities.
The ordinary business of the meeting then commenced. After a short Q & A session Mick gave a reprise of the presentation that he had given the previous week at Dorchester, on setting up a router and wireless network. The basic set-up, using an Ethernet cable, is remarkably simple, and the further set-up was admirably described and is well within the capabilities of even newbies, given the clear explanation of the steps required. A lively session developed in which aspects of such networks were discussed, so that the meeting continued for longer than usual, a clear indication of the interest that Mick had aroused.
Next month’s session will be on doing away with typing - in other words a run-down of the various applications for OCR - Optical Character Recognition - and Voice to Type. Anyone with an iPhone should download the (free) Dragon Dictation from the iTunes App Store and bring it along.
Looking forward to seeing you all.
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