Dorchester — May 10th 2011
Mark demonstrated how easily his newly acquired iPad 2 displayed through the projector [Gordon reports that the projection limitation of the first iPad was a software issue]. It is likely that the iPad version of Keynote will be increasingly of use at our meetings.
Mark's fumbling but enthusiastic demo ranged from the cool new Mail interface & threading, which may be a foretaste of Lion, to the to the time-wasting delights of presenting a photograph as a picture in Lego or distorting it with Photo Booth. Moonlight Mahjong illustrated the potential of manipulating objects on the screen and Star Chart its ability to detect its position in space. The Accessibility settings are worth exploring - particularly the three finger tap that invokes a zoom & drag.
Some of this will have been be familiar to iPhone & Touch owners but the size of the screen and the heft of the new iPad seem to provide a quite different experience to say nothing of the cover which is Apple engineering at its best.
Drawing on his great experience Gordon has put a list of apps he finds useful on the the discussion board.
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