Bournemouth — Jun 15th 2010

Another small attendance - just 7 people came to see the first class demonstration of the capabilities (and shortcomings too) of the iPad, given by two members of Solutions staff. The iPad is impressive in its' ease of use. Though the environment is different to a Mac, being based on the iPhone OS, it would be more intuitive to a newbie, though lacking in some of the abilities that we take for granted in a computer. However its' possibilities are at the moment impressive, and the general consensus of the wise heads gathered together at the meeting was that there will be a raft of iPad specific apps to extend these into more computer-like fields.
One current capability that caught the imagination was the way in which a Keynote presentation could have various areas on the projection screen poionted out by merely touching the appropriate part of the iPad screen, whereupon a red circle will apear on the projected image.

After the demonstrations the group continued on the iPad theme, discussing individual preferences for using the iPad. An interesting evening, to the extent that "Time" has=d to be called to allow the Solutions staff to go home!


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Lionel Ogden said…

Thank you to the Solutions staff for an excellent presentation of the iPad. Now I wonder how I can justify ordering one.

Trevor Hewson said…

Lionel, I thought we agreed at the (all male) meeting that the best ploy is to persuade one's wife that she really needs one.
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