Bournemouth — Mar 16th 2010

A rough demo to show the possibilities of the Pages page-layout module was given by Michael, and they are very impressive and worthy of more exploration. This drifted into another rough demo, of Keynote, followed by a far more polished one from Peter Shepheard. We had a visitor from the Windows world, thinking ahead and considering (he is already a programmer) of writing apps for the iPad. We went around the group to let him know what we used our Macs for, and then there was some discussion on the possible future uses of iPads. One that had been mentioned at the last meeting (by Richard Furber of Slutions) was that they would find a place ast the foot of every hospital bed, with access by card reader on various levels to allow doctors, nurses and other medica staff to see what was appropriate. It ony requires the NHS to get its' computer system up and running, so come back in 2020 to sewe how they are getting on!


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