Fareham — Nov 27th 2010
David introduced the business part of the meeting, where he announced that the Fareham group will now meet on a monthly basis starting on January 29th and then on the last Saturday of the month thereafter, no meeting has been planned for December 2011.
Chris Willis briefly described the upgrade to the WAMUG web site that he is currently working on. The Key item for all to be aware of is that one logs on to the site via the Key icon of the home page.
We then had two presentations:
The first by Lionel Ogden who spoke on remote back up or storage. He outlined the reasons for storing one’s significant data remote from the house/office to to give protection from fire, flood and theft.
He described the various remote facilities that are available to us, ranging from ISP supplied web space, Mobileme server space, and specifically rented server space.
The use of online remote storage is very dependent on the upload speed of the data from the local machine to the server. Perhaps BT’s FTC and FTP will help overcome that problem
An alternative to online back up is use a set of back up hard drives that are then stored away from the office or home.
The second presentation was by GM on the use of iLife 09.
GM ran a workshop to create a travelogue web site using photos edited and stored on iPhoto, movie clips edited together on iMovie and a soundtrack and Podcast created with Garage Band. Very impressive especially when one considers that for most users the applications are preloaded on new Macs or are can be purchased for a relatively small sum. (Well, small compared to the amount of money a PC based word processor would cost in the 1980s (Approximately £400)).
Thank you to both our speakers for their presentations and answering our many questions.
Next meeting on January 29th 2011 when the presentation topics will be digital photography and some features of Photoshop.
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Stuart Affleck said…
Derek Wright said…
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