Fareham — Jul 31st 2010
Sam introduced himself to the meeting he is a music technology teacher.
The first topic was given by David Teale on how he uses QCAD, an open source computer aided design product. David described his early experience of using cad in an industrial situation. Now he uses cad to help design dolls houses and other useful domestic design activity - for example kitchen layouts.
He showed how he would use a digital image to base the design on and how the QCAD product uses layers to enable different floors and levels of detail to be easily seen and used.
He recommended a book by Andrew Mustun called
“QCAD - An Introduction to Computer-Aided Design“
- no visible ISBN number so use Google to find out more.
The meeting then had a discussion on improving communication within Wamug and improving how we communicate with each other outside of the meetings. No doubt a good topic for the Wamug discussion board.
As part of this discussion the Ning social network group that handles forums, photos, event planning and is a very good candidate product for any one running a club or charity. Derek Wright is using it to act as the back bone for a newly created charity.
Derek Wright then a gave a demo of Yojimbo, he explained how he had evolved from using diaries, notebooks (paper based), to Palm Pilot and then to iCal and the Mac Address book, however the two inbuilt Mac applications did not support the collection of useful data that Yojimbo does - every thing from product serial numbers, consumption data, passwords etc. The product uses MobileMe syncing to enable data to be shared across many machines.
The meeting concluded with a problem based discussion on transferring private domains to a different host company and working with Virgin Media and their new GoogleMail based mail service.
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