Fareham — May 29th 2010
a business meeting run by David Teale
a demonstration of Aperture 3
a show and tell of the liPad by Chris Willis - note this was on the day the product was formally released.
The main items from the business element:
The meeting format.
It was agreed that it should be 2 to 2.5 hours long and consist of three components
Freewheeling discussion, of about 20 minutes, of new discoveries, experiences and features
A main topic talk for about an hour, or several smaller topics
A questions and answers session to resolve any problems.
There was a wish to have the meetings on a monthly basis - we will attempt to introduce this in 2011. We are to investigate other venues for the meetings.
Note if there is to be a location change then every one will be informed.
To try and set up a “high status” meeting in which we have an ‘expert practitioner’ give a workshop type demo on a subject of great interest - this could be Photshop related. If this event can be set up then it would then be a Wamug wide invitation and perhaps to local camera clubs as well. It is expected that attendees would be required to pay to attend.
Action item to all attendees of the Fareham section - either regular or casual
Please send a note to David Teal [undisclosed email] so that we can have our own distribution list and if possible a list of items that you are willing to talk about at the meetings - this can range from a small application over view to a longer talk and demo about some application or technique that you are interested in.
Other key items discussed:
There was an overwhelming demand that doughnuts would continue to be provided.
However as there was a reluctance to volunteer to do the washing up, it was decided that we will use plastic cups in future.
Aperture 3 demonstration.
Derek Wright demoed some of the 200 or so new features introduced in Aperture 3. The really neat features being the ability to brush in changes to the image in a non destructive manner. The ability to apply customised changes to a collection of images without intervention for each image.
iPad show and tell
Chris brought along his new “hot off the press” iPad to to show us how it worked, what it could do. The image quality was rather fine. No doubt we all rushed off the local stockist to have a play.
Do not forget to send in your details and what topics you are interested in and would be happy to talk about.
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