Salisbury — Oct 28th 2009

Our best turn-out for months, New members, people from other areas, the fame of our new venue is spreading.

We started off with a brief run through of what user names and passwords are needed from your ISP to get you on line and to send and receive email. Although these are vital should you need to set up again, a quick show of hands revealed that not many of us are geeky enough to know them! (Me and one other in case you're wondering.) We then had a quick look at how to set these up in your router and Mail to see how they worked in an actual situation. The discussion wandered around the use of SSL in Mail and whether or not to authenticate your outgoing. Sounds technical but hopefully the explanation showed it's not.

Doug then went through the use of a utility to store these (and the myriad of other passwords we use while surfing) in a much more secure way than writing them down on a master sheet. It's called Pastor and is free although if you like it you're invited to make a small donation to the author. It will store all kinds of sensitive information so for example you could have an entry called WAMUG and in it you'd store your user name and password for this site. To gain entry to your stored passwords, Pastor opens by you entering a master password. If you forget that one though you're in trouble!


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