Bournemouth — Jul 21st 2009
Summer holidays and appalling weather - and still we had a good turnout at Solutions. The meeting started with the usual Q & A - our new attendee - still a guest as I write - wanted to know if his trusty old Mac, running OS ( on 233 Mhz could be upgraded to OS X - regretfully not! And a problem, already on the Discussion page here, received some good suggestions on how to get Time Machine running again. There were three presentations. The first was a slide show made in iPhoto by Roy Rainford of some of his stunning (and prize-winning) photographs. Then Derek Wright showed us something of Aperture - a presentation that he bravely volunteered to make at very short notice indeed. Finally Michael Corgan went through the basics of getting photos from a digital camera, and the costs of getting prints and albums made online - with some significant differences in price. For anyone who is interested, contact him for a copy of the two charts (they don't seem to download onto this blog unfortunately). Also it is well worth looking at the free Booksmart software from for making albums if you are interested!
Next month Barry Read has volunteered to give his presentation on using iDVD - which will be interesting to see.
We were happy to find that the service in our favourite Italian restaurant had much improved over last month!