Bournemouth — Mar 17th 2009

Not the highest of numbers, but a cracking good meeting nevertheless. Starting with a masterly trot around iLife 09 under the guidance of Chris from Solutions, we saw the new features of iPhoto and iMovie, and took a briefer look at Garageband and iWeb. All very interesting and easy to use.
After a pause for a quick cuppa, we had a short question and answer session, then people showed their pet applications or short-cuts. The new format, nodelled on Lytchett, worked very well indeed, and we will be continuing this in the future - itmworked so well that we were still talking away well past our usual time, and continued to do so over a meal a few doors away.


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Lionel Ogden said…

The new format where we sat round tables instead of sitting in a theatre setting worked well and is worth continuing.
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