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Bournemouth — Nov 20th 2007

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At the Bournemouth meeting on 20th November there were three good presentations - all by MUG members. The first was a very useful one even to experienced Mac users - Mick Burrell gave the reasons for making back-ups - with instructions on the best ways of doing them. He followed this with a brief demo on updating safely to Leopard.

Next was Euan Williams with his illustration (previously seen to better advantage at Lytchett, where… Read more…

Lytchett Matravers — Nov 11th 2007

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Back to our normal numbers this month and good to see two new members amongst the regulars.

Thanks to Lionel who came in with a tip on how to print accented characters and also to WAMUG's double act - Mark & Euan who between them put the new spreadsheet Numbers through its paces by using the new version of Keynote. Rather than baffle us all with complex formulae, Euan (who now professes to be… Read more…

Salisbury — Nov 7th 2007

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Three new members paying on the night on the strength of what went on - we must be getting something right!

We had two presentations which were linked and somewhat timely. With the launch of Leopard, it was very topical for people to have a talk on how to upgrade the operating system. Of course, part of this procedure is to make sure you have a good backup before you start so the first… Read more…

Dorchester — Oct 30th 2007

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This has been one of our best meetings so far. Three new members turned up to bring attendance to 15 with one apology. At least three Macs had Leopard installed, and we kicked off reasonably promptly with Apple's movie tutorials about Leopard features. The silence that followed was a trifle worrying, but it seems that this was more due to a spasm of wonder than any disapproval.

David Moon followed this up with… Read more…

Bournemouth — Oct 16th 2007

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Once again we had a select band meeting at Solutions. The presentation was on MYOB - a very capable accounting system that is also available in a basic form that would suit most people doing their own accounts or just wanting to keep tabs on their finances. It was very ably presented by Craig Dunn who works for Stuart Magnus, a WAMUG member with an accountancy practice in Broadstone. Stuart showed some pictures of his very… Read more…

Fareham — Oct 13th 2007

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Our first meeting under the new subscription system. We received a couple of apologees, but despite this managed to tempt fourteen members to a lively meeting.

We kicked off by viewing a couple of the latest Apple adverts, including the new iPod Touch, just to see how many of us have been tempted to date, which led onto discussions about the new iPhone (and who will be tempted when they go on sale… Read more…

Salisbury — Oct 3rd 2007

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Another very good evening but look for comments from others - I am after all biassed!

Twenty one of us made the effort and were (hopefully!) rewarded by an explanation of how e-mail works its way around the internet and how our ISPs deal with it. We then moved on to how to set up Mail for use as your email client and briefly touched on the use of signatures, rules and finally… Read more…

Bournemouth — Sep 19th 2007

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It has become very clear that clashing with important football matches is a very BAD idea! In August it was an England match, this month Manchester United, while next month apparently runs headlong into a another important match - England v Russia! Consequently numbers were very low for this meeting - down to single figures for the first time. However a move to a non-clashing date will bring numbers back up, so watch the WAGs iCal… Read more…

WAMUG BBQ — Sep 9th 2007

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It was probably just as well we couldn't book the site during July - remember the weather? Well, today was excellent with bright sunshine all afternoon - ideal BBQ weather. More than 20 of us made the trip to Anderwood and for most it was their first visit there, but I think everyone agreed it was a superb venue and the suggestion is that we do it again next year. Always a good sign of how well… Read more…
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