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Dorchester — May 9th 2023

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Euan’s presentation was a tour de force, the result of hours of reading and research consolidated into a very colourful and dynamic Keynote, intended to make us all start to think more broadly about AI.

He started by questioning what we mean by Intelligence, ‘clever’ is not necessarily ‘intelligent’. Nature has built in intelligence. Trees have communication networks passing information in the air as well as by… Read more…

Beaminster — May 2nd 2023

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It was a very lively meeting (excellent) discussing how various members used Reminders and exploring the newly introduced Template feature. A brief excursion into how electronic documents might have a signature added to them turned into the main feature of the evening. For those with a Mac and an iPad (or iPhone) a signature can be added to a Pages document using the Insert>Insert from iPad/iPhone facility but for those wanting to… Read more…

Salisbury — Apr 25th 2023

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David and Mick gave us a world-class review of a number of apps included with the operating systems that could be useful in unexpected ways.

Mick explained that though Airdrop required wifi and bluetooth to be active on all participating devices, a functioning internet connection was not needed. Transfer between devices could therefore take place in any location where the distance between them was within an acceptable range, in the order of… Read more…

Dorchester — Apr 18th 2023

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Mick and David M switching back and forth demonstrated various useful features of IOS and Mac apps under the heading Snippets e.g scanning, using the location feature in Reminders and Wallet including Apple Pay amongst others.… Read more…

Fareham — Apr 8th 2023

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Nine members plus a guest were at Warsash to hear Mick talk about passkeys, the intended replacement for passwords on apps and websites, backed by all the major industry players (Apple, Microsoft, Google…). They're potentially both more secure and easier to use than passwords, though not without potential pitfalls. The usual breakout discussions followed.… Read more…

Beaminster — Apr 4th 2023

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There was agreement that being able to simultaneously view and use several apps on one screen is a help. We covered iPads (Split View and Slide Over) and then, because the majority of attendees had MacBooks, we looked at how to access and organise several windows at once on on a single screen or, using Desktops (used to be called Spaces), doing so on several screens each of which could be accessed separately. We explored… Read more…

Salisbury — Mar 28th 2023

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During the meal prior to the meeting, we noticed a strange object high up on a shelf which looked as if it might be a trap for small animals of some sort. David took a photo.

In the presence of nine members and one guest, Barry explained how he had modified his email to reduce the deluge of large numbers of mailings received subsequent to the mail listings of an organisation he belonged… Read more…

Dorchester — Mar 14th 2023

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David M, happily plaigurising Barry Guyer's recent Salisbury talk, ran through the use of dictation across Apple devices, communicating with Siri via speech and having text read out loud. Dictation on the Mac can be activated two ways, one a lot more sophisticated that the other and it would be difficult to explain better than via a MacMost video.

Georgia, with newer members is mind, showed us a short Apple video on features of the… Read more…

Fareham — Mar 11th 2023

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Eight members came to Warsash for a hopefully energising presentation on rechargeable batteries from Stuart. As we've all got lots of them- everything from the humble AAA to cars- he thought it might be useful to explain the main technical issues (battery ageing and charge cycles), and good practice to maximise useful battery life. After that, John (eventually, impromptu technical issues with his iPad being resolved) showed off some of his photos of Dubai. Due… Read more…

Beaminster — Mar 7th 2023

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It was our Open Evening to which members and anyone interested in having help to address any problems using iPhones, iPads or Macs were invited. There was a good turnout of members and another 50% of guests. Drinks and nibbles were provided with table service! The entire evening was fashioned as 1:1 between those who sought help and those who could give it. I don't think there was even a moment when anyone was… Read more…
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