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Salisbury — Jun 4th 2008

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A photography evening this month. Shane kicked off with an excellent presentation involving fairly simple, easy to achieve, very useful tips for Photoshop users. And none of us knew they were there - at least I didn't and judging by the mutterings from the audience, I wasn't alone!

Euan followed this with an explanation of colour theory and told us all about gamuts (I thought that was some kind of duck but apparently not!) He… Read more…

Dorchester — May 27th 2008

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This evening's meeting was ably hosted at the Colliton Club by Nigel.

The first talk was by David Martin, and introduced members to various aspects of Digital Photography. These included the use of the 'Capture One' programme ( to operate a camera linked to a mac with a firewire or USB cable, the manipulation of RAW images, and correcting for colour balance. Essentially, the advice was to make all the adjustments… Read more…

Bournemouth — May 20th 2008

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Last Tuesday - the 20th - was the meeting that never was. Due to two misplaced assumptions and carelessness on my part the venue at Solutions was only booked up until April. My mistake was to assume that the shop staff would consider that we were a fixture. Theirs was to assume that we weren’t! So there was no meeting despite efforts by Lionel Ogden and myself to try to find an alternative venue at zero… Read more…

Lytchett Matravers — May 11th 2008

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Another good meeting at Crumpets even though numbers were a little down (we blamed the glorious weather!)

Mark started us off by showing us the data detectors in the Leopard version of Mail. These show an excellent integration between Mail, iCal and Address Book allowing you to semi-automatically add contacts and appointments that you've received by email.

Next, Martin took us through the what he'd done to publish a book… Read more…

Salisbury — May 7th 2008

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To quote Mssrs Barker and Corbet - "And in a packed programme tonight…" - it was very much a packed programme at Salisbury this month.

We kicked off with a demonstration of astronomy software from Simon. In fact, the software took a back seat as we all became enthralled by Simon's enthusiasm and knowledge of his subject. We were presented with some stunning photographs taken using the Hubble telescope as well as some… Read more…

Dorchester — Apr 29th 2008

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The Dorchester group meeting on Tuesday 29 April, was ably hosted by John, who succeeded in navigating his way through a cornucopia of interesting items in the face of a lively audience, which included Euan, so recently liberated from the burdensome shackles of Administration, whose plangent joy at this release it was a veritable pleasure to behold.

Lionel opened the bowling, using the new WAGS projector, and showed us the merits of Mpegstreamclip… Read more…

Bournemouth — Apr 15th 2008

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Numbers slightly down, but still a good turn out - Michael showed some unexpected strengths and capabilities in that old warhorse Sticky Notes, proved that a magnifying glass could be a necessity when using the free application Cocoa Booklet to make a four-page booklet from a document with A4 pages - printed, incidentally (and this is the strength of the application) in the right order for a folded document - either that or a little more experimentation… Read more…

Fareham — Apr 5th 2008

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This months meeting at Fareham, took us from the creative genre to business acumen. Both topics providing a lot of discussion and interest. We kicked off with Sam giving us an insight into the workings of Garageband, bringing along his wealth of talent and enthusiasm to persuade us all that perhaps, we all should investigate how we could use the programme.

Following a break for Coffee & Doughnuts, Mick then showed us the… Read more…

Salisbury — Apr 2nd 2008

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It was nice to see a couple of members who hadn't been able to make it for the last couple of meetings and also to welcome two new visitors. Barry Read gave us a very good demo using Final Cut Express and explained some of the differences between that and iMovie which made it worth spending the extra money. My demo on creating mobile phone ringtones using GarageBand cause some amusement but several people were… Read more…

Dorchester — Mar 25th 2008

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Another well attended meeting. Great interest was shown in Barry's description of how he is starting to come to terms with Final Cut Pro. It was particularly useful to newcomers to the app. Considerable discussion followed and he promised to give us a second instalment when he has learnt more!

Euan had set up an Apple II and had also brought along some copies of a publication called Clipboard that contained a digest… Read more…
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