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Dorchester — Sep 8th 2009

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The meeting was introduced by John, with a total of 24 people present, which must be some kind of a record.

David Moon started with a series of helpful 'odds and ends'. These ranged from the keyboard shortcuts and function keys, which all do wonderful things, if only we could remember them, to free browser add-ons such as Xmarks, which holds bookmarks and passwords which can then be used on different browsers… Read more…

Salisbury — Aug 26th 2009

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We got off to a bad start for our August meeting! There were road works on Castle Road from the city out to our meeting place and the road was closed. Possibly as an economy measure, there seemed to be no diversion signs set up! This would have been OK if you were a native of Salisbury and knew your way around but Lionel arrived in Salisbury at 6:45 in order to set up… Read more…

Bournemouth — Aug 18th 2009

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With the holiday season in full swing we expected a low turnout for this meeting, and indeed were down to nine - but with a visitor from Madrid as well.

Barry Read gave us a demonstration to show how to create a slide show in iDVD from iPhoto (or indeed any other source of photos) with music as well. In this format the slide show can be palyed on any computer and on TVs… Read more…

Fareham — Aug 1st 2009

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Numbers were slightly down this month, but that's the trouble with holding meeting during peek holiday periods. Those that were there had a good time, with usual mix of presentations, chat and discussion.

Terry covered VOILA a screen capture program to which members have get a substantial discount, which proved interesting with its many features. However, it would only be useful to those who regularly had a need to capture whole or parts… Read more…

Salisbury — Jul 29th 2009

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The new venue at Salisbury Rugby Club was voted a big improvement for various reasons. Being a smaller venue, the 14 people who attended made the room about two thirds full and as such more cosy than rattling around in the huge science lab of the school. Also, the fact that we have movable tables we can arrange into any format to suit us meant that were weren't in regimented rows, one behind the other… Read more…

Bournemouth — Jul 21st 2009

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Summer holidays and appalling weather - and still we had a good turnout at Solutions. The meeting started with the usual Q & A - our new attendee - still a guest as I write - wanted to know if his trusty old Mac, running OS ( on 233 Mhz could be upgraded to OS X - regretfully not! And a problem, already on the Discussion page here, received some good suggestions on how to get Time Machine running again. There… Read more…

Dorchester — Jul 15th 2009

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The meeting was opened by John, with 18 members present.

David gave a very interesting presentation which explained how he used Sound Studio and iTunes to produce a regular audio magazine programme on CD for blind people in the area. He introduced this with some historical recollections of how sound recording had been used 'in the field' by the BBC since the days of WWII, using wire recorders, reel-to-reel tape, and… Read more…

Salisbury — Jul 1st 2009

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Numbers were a bit down this month hopefully that was just because it was summer. Nevertheless we had the usual enthusiastic bunch hanging on the presenter's every word! This month's presenter was Barry and he was showing us just how easy it is to transfer an iPhoto slideshow into iDVD. To demonstrate this we were treated to a slideshow Barry had compiled from photographs he took on a trip to Canada a couple of years… Read more…

Bournemouth — Jun 16th 2009

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We were given an excellent presentation on how to trace your family - first from Mary Hewson, on the sources available - a fact sheet was handed out to enable anyone interested to get started - and then a comprehensive demonstration of a well-proven and impressive genealogical program for the Mac - Reunion - which showed well in presenting the details and the family tree of a huge number of ancestors that Trevor Hewson has found and researched over… Read more…

Dorchester — Jun 9th 2009

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The meeting was opened by Mark, with a total of 19 members present. We all introduced ourselves, as there were quite a few who were new to the group.

Mark then demonstrated Yep! from This useful programme costs $34, and searches for all the pdf files on a Mac, and identifies them in a searchable archive. It will even read a scanned in document to enable a search of words… Read more…
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