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Fareham — May 29th 2010

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Approximately 12 members attended the Fareham meeting. The meeting consisted of three components
a business meeting run by David Teale
a demonstration of Aperture 3
a show and tell of the liPad by Chris Willis - note this was on the day the product was formally released.

The main items from the business element:
The meeting format.
It was agreed that it should be 2 to 2.5 hours… Read more…

Salisbury — May 26th 2010

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Lionel's demo of the Elements plug-ins was very well received. Most of us use a digital camera with our Macs and most that do want or need some form of manipulation. For most of us that's Photoshop Elements. Whilst some of what they do is already available in Elements, OnOne have made things both easier and better. And at £45 for the suite of four they represent excellent value - it's probably worth that… Read more…

Bournemouth — May 18th 2010

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There was a select gathering at Solutions store and we began with a brief hints, tips, and problems discussion when we talked about maintaining the quality of MP3 tracks uploaded to an MP3 player. Following that Lionel gave a demonstration of OnOne Essentials 2, which is a suite of plug-ins for use with Photoshop Elements. The plug-ins are cut down versions of a more comprehensive suite produced for Photoshop. Nevertheless they give a… Read more…

Dorchester — May 11th 2010

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Tom picked up the iMovie theme from last month and walked us through importing, setting up a new project and basic editing. There were a great many interested questions and we were left with the possibility of exploring the finer points of what is clearly a powerful application.

We had hoped that the iPad would be available for this meeting but … well you know the story … so John stepped in with a description… Read more…

Salisbury — Apr 28th 2010

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A slightly smaller turnout this month with only nine of us present. The format was also slightly different in that there was no formal presentation given however this meant that the whole meeting was given over to problem solving and general discussions based around Macs.

Our first issue was that none of us could actually gain access to the Internet at the meeting! Having spent a good deal of time on this we finally… Read more…

Bournemouth — Apr 27th 2010

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Afirst class presentation on iWeb, showing how an impressive web site can be built and published using this easy application together with mobileme. Mark took us though the various options that we could use and there was a great deal of interest and a good many questions followed. A good meeting!… Read more…

Salisbury — Mar 31st 2010

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We had a rather surprising but very enjoyable meeting on Wednesday evening. Brian had put together a demonstration on Numbers that he said would last about 15 minutes. In the event there was so much interest in what was going on on screen and so many questions prompting explanations that before we knew where we were it had lasted an hour! It didn't stop there. Michael had a few more points that he wanted to… Read more…

Fareham — Mar 27th 2010

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A little different this week... We started with Coffee & Doughnuts, which seemed to go down very well, but followed this with some news of future changes.

Terry Willis announced he would be standing down as Local Area Representative after the meeting and would no longer be taking an active organizing role in the meetings. Things looked bleak for a moment or two, but swiftly changed as collectively a number of members offered to… Read more…

Bournemouth — Mar 16th 2010

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A rough demo to show the possibilities of the Pages page-layout module was given by Michael, and they are very impressive and worthy of more exploration. This drifted into another rough demo, of Keynote, followed by a far more polished one from Peter Shepheard. We had a visitor from the Windows world, thinking ahead and considering (he is already a programmer) of writing apps for the iPad. We went around the group to let him… Read more…
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