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Dorchester — Sep 14th 2010

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Our first meeting of the new season began with attempts to connect with John in the South of France, using iChat, to formally open the proceedings. In the absence of adequate bandwidth (and therefore also of John) Mark opened the proceedings. 10 members were present.

Mark gave a talk summarising an article on the subject of setting up iChat http: //
Can talk, and show video, exchange files etc. iChat will also talk… Read more…

Salisbury — Aug 25th 2010

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We discovered that a good number of the attendees were not regular users of the club web site so after making them stand in the corner for ten minutes, we had a quick run through of some of its features - posting new topics on Discussions, posting replies to those or adding comments to Meeting Blogs and also how to use bold, italic and links in postings.

We then went on to a brief… Read more…

Bournemouth — Aug 17th 2010

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At the last moment Michael was unable to attend the meeting so Lionel acted as Chair and opened the proceedings with a short discussion of hints, tips and problems. Mark Ford then took over the remainder of the meeting with a demonstration of iWeb following on from last month’s meeting which dealt with web hosting and domain names. iWeb is the web site building application that comes with every new Mac as part of… Read more…

Fareham — Jul 31st 2010

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Sam Adams opened and chaired the meeting - only 7 people attended, no doubt due to the summer holidays

Sam introduced himself to the meeting he is a music technology teacher.

The first topic was given by David Teale on how he uses QCAD, an open source computer aided design product. David described his early experience of using cad in an industrial situation. Now he uses cad to help design dolls houses… Read more…

Salisbury — Jul 28th 2010

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I hate to admit it but I hadn't noticed I'd forgotten to post what happened at this meeting until I came on to post this month's! Can someone who was there mail me with reminders? (Inserts sheepish grin icon!)… Read more…

Bournemouth — Jul 20th 2010

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A very good meeting, with attendance back up in double figures – just! Mick Burrell gave an excellent presentation on how to set up a web site, and his preferred method, using the Easily site was clearly and concisely described, making us all fee that it will be a doddle to do. We'll see!

Michael ran throough a swift review of nine clipboard applications to allow clippings to stay on the clipboard instead of being… Read more…

Dorchester — Jul 13th 2010

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In the absence of our regular scribe, Steve, here is an inferior effort.
Mark described a document management application called Yep. Together the group explored it's possibilities and we were all greatly impressed by the improvements since it's last outing at a WAMUG meeting at the Crumpery some years ago. It is particularly valuable if, like this writer, you have made more than one filing scheme over the years and are starting to loose… Read more…

Salisbury — Jun 30th 2010

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A really interesting talk by Lionel again this month - off site backup. If you have important data, to run alongside your existing backup method (you do have a backup I hope!) we looked at the options available for uploading your precious data to a server. This is now getting relatively inexpensive but there are still two problems to overcome to make it an easy/good choice for everyone. Upload speed would be painfully slow for large… Read more…

Bournemouth — Jun 15th 2010

3 comments 13 views
Another small attendance - just 7 people came to see the first class demonstration of the capabilities (and shortcomings too) of the iPad, given by two members of Solutions staff. The iPad is impressive in its' ease of use. Though the environment is different to a Mac, being based on the iPhone OS, it would be more intuitive to a newbie, though lacking in some of the abilities that we take for granted in a computer… Read more…

Dorchester — Jun 8th 2010

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In the absence of John, Mark opened the meeting, and announced that the Colliton Club had, at last, decided that we can be allowed access to the Club's Guest wi-fi network. Those members, out of the 19 present, who had brought their computers, promptly availed themselves of this facility, which was pronounced a great success, helping presentations to demonstrate the way in which the internet interacts with the kit being presented.

This… Read more…
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