John opened the meeting and welcomed the 16 members present.
Michael presented 'Some elements of Pages'.
Pages is easy to use for basic functions, but is capable of more advanced jobs too.
He demonstrated inserting graphics into text, and showed how one can move the graphic around, and the text wraps automatically, as set by the Inspector. The Inspector can also be used to adjust the size and shape of…
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A good attendance and a lively meeting!
There were a few questions for the Q&A section, most of which were dealt with but as usual, there were a couple requiring investigation which was not possible as the offending Mac was not portable so still at home. However, we made some suggestions and await feedback.
Next, Michael ran through a short demo of Dragon Dictate. The accuracy was pretty good especially…
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Nine members attended what will be our last meeting in the upper room in Wallington Village Hall. The next meeting at the end of January is planned to be held at Portchester Community School.
The topic this week was the production of slide shows from Aperture.
Derek introduced the topic by describing how many years ago 35mm colour slides were projected using two or more projectors onto screens with the slide changes…
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The meeting at Solutions was quite well attended - a dozen people came to hear the three presentations.
The first was from Mick Burrell. In his usual clear and easily understandable stye Mick explained different routes to creating a web site and then of putting it onto the internet. As for creating, for a basic, simple site, iWeb is perfectly adequate. For a more ambitious production programs such as Freeway and RapidWeaver allow a…
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Michael - Dragon Dictate; Martin - Vintage Mac OS & the Development of OSX; Tom - IOS5 and iPad2; iCloud discussion.
John introduced the meting with 16 members present.
The first presentation was by Michael, who told us about Dragon Dictate.
He showed a video, which introduced the idea of creating a user profile, where the results of training the programme to recognise a user's voice were stored. Even after a short period…
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Only five people at the meeting this month.
Andy Banks introduced us to Swift Publisher - a DTP package that he uses to produce a monthly newsletter/magazine on one of his other interests.
He selected Swift Publisher as it gave good page layout control and was priced very reasonably.
Some notable attributes of the product are very competent text flow across columns and pages and around images.
Te product included…
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We started off with the usual question and answer session and most of this centred around early experiences of iCloud but then Brian gave us an excellent presentation on iMovie. He showed us how to take a series of still photos but moving the subject slightly in each one and then stringing them together to make a short animated movie. Obviously the photography stage could be a bit time consuming and the smaller the subject…
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The meeting space at Solutions has been partitioned off and is effectively halved in size -and of course this turned out to be the biggest attendance in a long while - 20 people came along to listen to THE iChat guru, Ralph Johns. So we were cramped a little but managed to squeeze everybody in.
Before he started there was time for a short Q & A session - it seems that both iOS5 and…
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John opened a lively meeting with 22 members present.
Gordon was first man in, and started by quoting some short anecdotes which helped us to recall the unique nature of Steve Jobs
- On being shown some final prototype large monitors "Can't you make the corners a bit more round"? This led to an increase in production costs of some 3 to 4 million Dollars
- On interviewing a lady applicant…
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The meeting was quite a cosy affair with just seven members and a meeting room short of tables due to the set up of an important meeting due to take place in the next room.
Lionel began by giving a personal view of his experiences downloading and working with Lion over the last few weeks. It appears that this is one of the most significant upgrades to MAC OSX since its introduction and…
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