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Fareham — Jun 30th 2012

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We met this month in one of the school classrooms due to an exam being held in our normal room. Eight members attended, an excellent talk on Mac shortcuts, by John Hooper.

He started by showing us some standard shortcuts for Finder / Email / Quickview / and Spotlight. We then looked at some of the bigger applications such as Pages, along with the standard shortcuts for cut, copy and paste. John finished up by discussing… Read more…

Salisbury — Jun 27th 2012

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For the first half hour Lionel told us about Drop Box and its use for synchronising files between your Macs and mobile devices as well as its ability to act as an off-site storage facility for those that need it. With 2GB of space being available free of charge, this could well be enough for your most important data. he also explained how it could be used to share files with others either by… Read more…

Bournemouth — Jun 19th 2012

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Attendance figures were maintained in spite of an important event in Ukraine (England’s game in Euro 2012 football!), 14 members participating in a lively meeting.

Alan opened by showing several images recently taken for use on the WAGs website. The Q&A session followed with points raised on Photoshop versions used on past OS versions, iPad 1, virus protection and Java. Lionel gave a warning about Java malware and Mick pointed… Read more…

Dorchester — Jun 12th 2012

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Thanks to the improved Colliton Club www connection, John, taking time out from his holiday in France, was able to address the assembled members via the Internet, and mutual greetings were exchanged. Including his virtual presence, the meeting was attended by 14 members.

Euan had viewed the WDDC highlights, from Apple, and gave a brief rundown of the headlines, these being the new iBooks, Mountain Lion, and iOS6.

The main part… Read more…

Salisbury — May 30th 2012

3 comments 12 views
Brian and Reg did a double act for us this month taking us through how you get started with producing a newsletter using Pages. Despite the restrictions of using the small laptop screen rather than the somewhat larger screen of his iMac, Reg managed to move stuff around and show us how he produced the main header banner from different components and then grouped them all together to be moved around as one. He then… Read more…

Fareham — May 26th 2012

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This month 11 members came to listen to Andy Banks talk on Automator and also a photo GPS tagging application.

Andy introduced the meeting to the Automator application in Mac OS X, he showed us how by a drag and drop methodology one can create a workflow of repetitive tasks. Andy has used it for generating test emails when he has been testing a mail process.

Automator works with most Apple… Read more…

Bournemouth — May 15th 2012

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Another good attendance with 15 members being subjected to photographs taken by Roy for possible use on this website. We soon got down to business with local member Trevor talking about his early experience with streaming music using Airport Express from his iMac. The iPod Touch and the Apple Remote App came next, followed by Airfoil to stream from the BBC iPlayer on a MacBook. However it was only with the advent of Airplay on… Read more…

Dorchester — May 8th 2012

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We welcomed 25 members to this month's meeting, which must be at least approaching some sort of a record. One of the reasons for such a large turn out, despite the temptations of a fine Spring evening, was undoubtably the promise of Mick's presentation on the subject of iCloud.

We started, however, with a test of the improvements to the Colliton Club's Wi-Fi feed. This proved to be easier to use than… Read more…

Fareham — Apr 28th 2012

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10 Members attended the meeting on programing - following on from the last meeting where we heard about the evolution of MacOS and the use of Terminal
This month the meeting featured a talk by Martin Spencely dedicated to the basics of programing and various programming languages used in the creation of MacOS and IOS applications.

He started with the basic principles of what a program does in the computer and how that… Read more…

Salisbury — Apr 25th 2012

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It's good to see attendances slowly creeping up so that even with two or three regulars missing, new members made sure we still maintained our usual numbers.

There were not many questions in the Q&A section this month so we were quickly on to Denis' presentation of Photoshop. Although he was using the beta version of Photoshop CS6, he pointed out that almost everything he showed us could be achieved in… Read more…
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