Eight members were at Warsash for John's presentation on Virtual Private Networks- one way you can help to protect your privacy and/or data online, or just watch BBC iPlayer from a desert island. Following that, the usual breakout discussions followed.…
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Quite a busy meeting tonight! We started off by looking at what you should do to transfer your information to a new device and clean the old one ready for passing on. We looked at the stages for dealing with an older style Mac with spinning hard drive and then the simpler method for both a Mac with the T2 security chip and iOS/iPadOS where the reset option is built in.
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Three topics in the first half: David P highlighted a few of the latest features of IOS17.2. David M then showed what can be done using the Apple Home app and brought Meross smart plugs and a smart light bulb along to illustrate the devices that can be used. Very disappointing, it would seem that we need to await the next advance in AI before the system is capable of facilitating Mick's dog going…
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Eight members came to Warsash, where Mick presented on two subjects. First, on how to prepare your Apple device for sale or disposal- in other words, how to make sure your personal data is no longer on it (but on your new one...). Following that, he gave us a quick summary of the key changes in iOS 17.…
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David Parnell explained that we will be looking at iPhone photography in three sessions, 1) Taking photos, 2) Editing photos using built in Software and 3) Using specialist photo editing and processing apps.
Today 1) Taking photos. David emphasised the logic that the best camera is the one you have with you at the time, most of us are never far from our iPhones. But not only are they convenient, they are amazingly…
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David M showed us the various features of the Find my App built in to all Apple devices including how to share location with others, track items e.g. Wallet and umbrella using AirTags as well as devices, all dependent on being connected to the same Apple ID. We had a discussion about whether putting an AirTag in hold luggage are acceptable to airlines, and concluded best to check if planning such a journey.
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Eight members were at Warsash for a Q&A/general meetup session. Topics included how to save photos from an iPhone at lower file sizes, issues with a NAS, printers and how to make sure someone you've sent a file to uses the same version as the one you intended. Mick dashed off to make sure he got his 'present' from Apple (an M2 MacBookAir). Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone.…
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The pre-Christmas meeting looked at a variety of topics: using the new Forms facility, formulas in Numbers, Mark-Up, another way to speed up YouTube videos (just hold a finger on the touch pad) and we were reminded of the very convenient way of transferring information from one device to another - Copy or Ctrl C something, it automatically goes onto the Clip Board, and then you can paste it into another of your devices…
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Although we were a very select band (several regulars could not make this meeting) the session was a very lively one. Mick ran through a few of the things Preview can do on your Mac that hopefully not everyone knew about. This sparked several discussions - for example, looking at the location of a photo given as latitude and longitude, the question was asked "can it show the location as What 3 Words?" That…
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David M showed us his use of the Apple Home App which “that lets users configure, communicate with and control smart-home appliances using Apple devices”. Under Climate he showed how a HomePod Mini measure temperature and humidity and how he was able to replace his basic wired room thermostat with a Netatmo Smart Therostat controllable through the Home App on any Apple device from anywhere. Under the heading Security David has a Netatmo smart…
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