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Bournemouth — Nov 20th 2012

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The meeting opened with a short movie entitled "Togetherness" which showed how smart phones are replacing normal face to face social interactions.

The Q and A session was probably our most lengthy and varied to date with topics ranging from iPhone 3 data access when the password has been forgotten to using a MacBook Pro in Spain.

Eventually Mick was able to start his presentation on Passwords. This soon… Read more…

Dorchester — Nov 13th 2012

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John opened the meeting with 18 members present.

Michael was unable to attend so we didn’t learn about what a marvellous application Pages is. Hopefully this is a treat for a future meeting.

Barry had his presentation on Aperture ready and we commenced with that. The first recommendation was one which we have heard many times in the past - some heed it but more should - back up your data on… Read more…

Salisbury — Oct 31st 2012

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A wide ranging Q&A session covering topics from downloading video from YouTube, through email groups in Contacts and organising key photos in Aperture and iPhoto. We also had some iPad/iPhone questions covering AirPrint printers and how you can't interrogate your mobile device to reveal your passwords in a similar way to Keychain Access on your Mac.… Read more…

Bournemouth — Oct 16th 2012

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After the usual Q & A session with discussion about the Safari Bookmarks Bar and one member experiencing slow speed after loading Mountain Lion,  Alan used his iPad 2 to give a live demonstration of FaceTime which is an App that comes with iPad 2 and 3, iPhone as well as with Lion and Mountain Lion. You sign in with your Apple ID or create a new account to set it up. This enables… Read more…

Dorchester — Oct 9th 2012

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The meeting was opened by John, 20 members were present

Martin started the proceedings by telling us about 'Maintaining your Mac' and asking us why everyone else had more trouble with maintaining their Macs than he did, and wondering if it was because they were making life to complicated for themselves. His guiding principle was KISS - Keep it simple, stupid!
This, for him, means:
Don't run 3rd party maintenance applications, and… Read more…

Fareham — Sep 29th 2012

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JailBreak - Alan Lewer

Alan gave a very entertaining talk on Jail-breaking iOS devices. Various topics were discussed:

Is it Legal? - Yes but will violate the terms of use agreement between end user and Apple, forget warranties and support.
You can still access the iStore even after device has been jail-broken.
It took a while to do and so did the reverse process

After talking about… Read more…

Salisbury — Sep 26th 2012

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A few regulars missing this month but a select band listened to John's demo of Skype. He volunteered his son (who was in another country - Scotland) to be on the other end. We were treated to a video chat which of course is free to do. We then looked at how you can find contacts by searching for their Skype name (if you know it) or their email address or name. John didn't demonstrate but explained… Read more…

Bournemouth — Sep 18th 2012

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Alan started the meeting by saying that the WAGs website had recently had a superb, major makeover (by our Webmaster Chris Willis) which he recommended everyone to visit. An interesting new feature was Chat enabling members to indulge in text conversations with each other on a public or private basis. He then asked members to suggest topics they would find interesting at future meetings and would be pleased to hear from anyone who would be… Read more…

Dorchester — Sep 11th 2012

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John introduced the meeting with 16 members present.

Jim spoke about the `Moneydance money management programme. This had started as an open source programme, but, although now commercial, was maintained and updated for a number of platforms, by a responsive and helpful team. He had initially used Quicken, then Microsoft Money, and now Moneydance, since 2004.
The programme can be used with online banking, or can import statements which the user downloads… Read more…

Salisbury — Aug 29th 2012

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There was a good attendance this month which I suspect was because of the discussion about Mountain Lion. About one third of us had already installed this and were able to offer comments and suggestions as Doug went through the presentation he had prepared. This gave us a very good idea of what the new operating system was like. Those of us who had yet to install it and indeed some of us who already… Read more…
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