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Salisbury — Mar 27th 2013

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Eight of us enjoyed a meal before the start of the meeting - a very sociable gathering and far more than when we ate afterwards!

As our planned presentation had to be postponed until next month, Gordon stepped in and took us through some of the apps he uses (plays with!) on his iPad and this was followed by others chipping in with their favourites.

The meeting finished with John & Bruce… Read more…

Fareham — Mar 23rd 2013

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Today's meeting covered a wide range of topics for the seven attendees.
John Hooper described the Time Machine and Time Capsule functions and capabilities and how to use them to back up one's files. Comparison was made to the SuperDuper clone methodology and how that the process are different but several members use both processes.

The discussion moved on to controlling one screen from another machine. John introduced the TeamViewer program that… Read more…

Bournemouth — Mar 19th 2013

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The meeting opened with a presentation by Mick Burrell on the subject of email and the differences between POP and IMAP accounts. He explained in detail how they work behind the scenes, and pointed out the problems that can arise particularly when synchronising between a number of mobile devices and a Mac at home. There was a good deal of interest and several questions were posed generating a lively discussion. Members expressed their appreciation… Read more…

Dorchester — Mar 12th 2013

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John opened the meeting, with 20 members present.

In anticipation of our numbers swelling still further, and of its becoming more difficult to see the screen properly, Martin gave a practical demonstration and talk on how the situation could be ameliorated by either sharing a Keynote or a .pdf file containing the slides to be presented, or alternatively, how to implement screen sharing between computers. There are multiple ways of achieving the aim… Read more…

Salisbury — Feb 27th 2013

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We're now settling in at our new venue and with the wi-fi working perfectly, everyone was happy. We started with a few questions but not many of us are experiencing problems that need sorting at present so of necessity, it was quite short.

John then took us through the workings of Time Machine and a general discussion followed on different ways of using it and what it would and would not do… Read more…

Fareham — Feb 23rd 2013

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This meeting was a triple header - first of all Mick Burrell introduced us to the differences
between POP and IMAP email accounts which seemed to clear up some mysteries for quite a few of those in attendance.

Next up was Derek with a review and demo of the Preview application, an often overlooked program with many features and capabilities. During the demo members identified that Apple had updated Preview in the latest… Read more…

Bournemouth — Feb 19th 2013

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The meeting opened with a presentation by Peter Shepheard on "Websites - The Weebly Way". The 15 attendees watched Peter prepare a new website live online using Weebly software Weebly website. He showed how easy it is to create an interesting and effective site using templates and drag and drop methods. Everything went smoothly right through to publishing the new site which was immediately seen on iPads in the audience. Peter edited various elements and… Read more…

Dorchester — Feb 12th 2013

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28 members and guests turned up for the February meeting, which was introduced by John, and had more time than usual devoted to the Q&A aspect.

First, David gave a presentation on 'iPad for paperless meetings' which can be found in the Discussions section of the website at
A few points were: Mac and iPad complement each other; Dropbox is key to… Read more…

Salisbury — Jan 30th 2013

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Our first meeting at the new venue. Everyone seemed to think it's a good venue but there was a problem with the wi-fi which we hope to sort out before the next meeting.

We ran through the differences between POP and IMAP email accounts which seemed to clear up some mysteries for quite a few of those in attendance. The Q&A session was also quite lively but that could have… Read more…

Fareham — Jan 26th 2013

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We had twelve people in total at the first meeting of the year. After introductions and issues arising Derek ran through a few features in Photoshop to reuse or use photos that initially did not work.

The first picture was of a tourist sign board that was photographed at about 60 degrees from the perpendicular, this image was converted into a square image and then the image enhanced with a bit of "… Read more…
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