Our first meeting at the new venue. Everyone seemed to think it's a good venue but there was a problem with the wi-fi which we hope to sort out before the next meeting.
We ran through the differences between POP and IMAP email accounts which seemed to clear up some mysteries for quite a few of those in attendance. The Q&A session was also quite lively but that could have…
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We had twelve people in total at the first meeting of the year. After introductions and issues arising Derek ran through a few features in Photoshop to reuse or use photos that initially did not work.
The first picture was of a tourist sign board that was photographed at about 60 degrees from the perpendicular, this image was converted into a square image and then the image enhanced with a bit of "…
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A good turnout (15) to start the year with a meeting devoted entirely to discussions of members' queries – it turned out to be a lively evening. Members were ready with a wide range of questions which were analysed, probed and responded to by others. Topics ranged from printer-router connections via Wi-Fi settings, Networks, desktop icons failing to show, Time Machine failures, external drives back-up including Drobo (a powerful storage system), slide shows in sequence from iPhoto…
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The January meeting was attended by 23 members and guests. John introduced the meeting, and distributed forms on which we were invited to record what would like, and what we could offer to future meetings. This month, we heard about the mysteries of POP and IMAP email from Mick, and also about some useful apps from Michael, and John.
First, Mick on email: (A brief paraphrase, notes are available from him.)
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John introduced the meeting with 25 members present, all tempted by the presentations on offer (plus, no doubt, by the Christmas coffee and mince pies).
Euan commenced by telling us of his positive experience with his Mac Goody "Shop"
CK IT Computers Poole - Mac repairs and sales [undisclosed telephone].
It's not really a shop, so you have to contact them before making a visit.
Tom demonstrated the…
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Attendance was again good (15) in spite of the low temperature outside. The usual Q & A opening brought discussion on Mail threads, opening the BBC website, removing outdated email addresses, using autofill in Safari for email addresses, upgrading to Mountain Lion and using the Trackpad.
Alan opened his talk about iMovie '11, starting by showing a newish feature called Trailers in which you choose bits of your video clips for Apple to…
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The session started with a lively Q&A session covering things such as applications that run at startup, why Mac A could see Mac B on the network but Mac B couldn't see Mac A and why Safari gives a "blocked plugin" message on certain YouTube videos and requests an update to the Flash plugin but the update doesn't fix it. (We found Firefox works OK with the same plugin)
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Five intrepid members ventured out into the weather to hear Andy Banks describe some recently introduced features in iTunes. These included Genius, Genius Mixes, Purchased, My Wish List, Complete My Album, iTunes Match.
iTunes use of the network connection lead onto discussion of ISPs and their service levels and help desks.
We also discussed the the provision of refreshments and we agreed that attendees should bring along their choice of drink…
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The meeting opened with a short movie entitled "Togetherness" which showed how smart phones are replacing normal face to face social interactions.
The Q and A session was probably our most lengthy and varied to date with topics ranging from iPhone 3 data access when the password has been forgotten to using a MacBook Pro in Spain.
Eventually Mick was able to start his presentation on Passwords. This soon…
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John opened the meeting with 18 members present.
Michael was unable to attend so we didn’t learn about what a marvellous application Pages is. Hopefully this is a treat for a future meeting.
Barry had his presentation on Aperture ready and we commenced with that. The first recommendation was one which we have heard many times in the past - some heed it but more should - back up your data on…
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