Alan Cox welcomed everybody who had made it to the meeting through the traffic gridlock that evening. There were 17 present. He then introduced Ben Cahill, the new Assistant Manager at Solutions, and Dean who repairs Apple kit at Solutions as a fully trained and accredited Apple technician.
Dean gave an interesting presentation on all the seemingly myriad cables that have been and are used to connect our various devices - although he tempered…
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John introduced the meeting with 22 members present.
Mark told us about Saving stuff in the Cloud. This was not about backing up, just a personal view of using the Cloud for saving and sharing.
He discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using a Cloud approach.
Mark then presented more detail on iCloud and using it to save and share iWork documents, mail, calendars etc. He observed that problems could…
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Lionel gave a talk on using Pages to control the Finances of WAMUG using dummy data (so as to not infringe Data Protection laws.
The talk then went on to using the Charting feature in Pages to illustrate the breakdown on subscription payment methods.
This proved to be a challenging activity which would be carried over to the next meeting.
The meeting finished up with the usual discussion on…
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This month we were treated to a very entertaining demo by Brian. We're used to the high tech world of Apple but in contrast, and I hope he won't mind me describing his gadget this way, Brian had gone very low tech to produce a turntable to hold his camera to produce a 360deg video. This was made from a 1.5v motor purchased from Maplins and bits & pieces found in his shed, namely…
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The proceedings started with the AGM. Mick and Lionel respectively gave the Chairman's and Treasurer's report followed by the election of officers. Mick then paid tribute to Terry Willis, co-founder and long term supporter of WAMUG; Terry is stepping down from the Committee and was thanked for his long and invaluable service.
Alan then opened the group meeting by thanking Christopher Harrison of Solutions, who is moving on to write for Future…
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The holidays may still be taking its toll on members as there were only 15 present. The new room lay-out seems most successful and thanks are due to Mick for bringing his kit to make it possible.
Georgia demonstrated three free iOS Apps:
Sky Scanner [also in OSX] that gathers together information from many airlines on flight prices. They are displayed in the classic lists but also on a map…
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We had two talks, the first one on upgrading a Mac Pro with an SSD to improve boot and program load time. The second one on the use of Country specific address formats in Contacts and the use of the Chronos Labelist program to get a greater degree of flexibility of labels and Contact listings than is supplied in the basic Contacts application.
Discussions covered RAID storage and exploiting undocumented features in the…
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Our Q&A session solved a few problems ranging from how to split clips in iMovie to how to reset your password for this web site. We then went on to look at some favourite apps including Shazam which we all tried to fool (with some but very little success) by playing music from obscure artists, the new filing app InterconneX (from Econ Technologies) for iPad and finally Hopscotch which some older members with…
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A virtue of having only a few members attend a meeting is that the discussions and information sharing involves only one conversation which involves all the attendees. Today we only had 5 members attending which suited the topic which was a "Show and Tell" session where the members were invited to describe the free and cheap applications that they find useful. Given that we are expecting the summer to be over and the weather…
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With yet another good turn out in spite of the hot weather, Vicky of Solutions (Bournemouth) gave her presentation on iPhoto.
After a quick tour of iPhoto's main screen, she explained the various means of obtaining support. As well as the Help menu, Apple 'find out how' tutorials are a good source of information about many Mac topics including iPhoto. She also told us that phone calls to AppleCare could be made more economically by…
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