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Fareham — Nov 30th 2013

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We had nine members attend the last meeting of the year for the Fareham section.

The topic was Mavericks, Derek led the discussion with a demonstration of the improved dictation facility in Mavericks, it is now possible to download the translation/dictionary file to the computer to dramatically improve the speed of translation from voice to text. The previous incarnation of Dictation required the voice file to be sent to Apple to be… Read more…

Salisbury — Nov 27th 2013

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We had a very full meeting this month - not the number of people attending, that was pretty normal, but the content. We started off with a Q&A session which brought up some unusual problems, one of which showed how the error message you get from your Mac, whilst always an indication that something's not right, doesn't always point you in the right direction for a solution! It also highlighted how difficult it is… Read more…

Bournemouth — Nov 19th 2013

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With 13 members present, Alan Cox opened by giving a short presentation on the results of his recent questionnaire survey to members that had attended Bournemouth meetings - 12 responded. The majority had more than one Apple device - 2 with 6 or more!! iMacs and iPads were the most popular devices and Mail and Safari the most popular of the Apple software applications. Several topics for future presentations were identified but more were always welcome.
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Dorchester — Nov 12th 2013

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There were 21 people at the meeting. Georgia's questionnaire had been completed by 17 members and David reported on the results. A pdf of the Keynote presentation that he used can be found here: with an analysis and interesting details of those subjects that we might cover in the future.
It can be summed up thus:
1) A clear need to understand the working of the Cloud emerged.
2) Anything on iPhoto &… Read more…

Beaminster — Nov 5th 2013

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Despite the wind & rain, 15 of us who didn't have a fireworks party planned made their way to the meeting. This month was a very informal affair with no presentation but plenty of time to deal with questions & answers. We worked through the WAMUG joining process for a few members who'd paid their subs up front but not set up their profile on here and also looked at varies, mainly iPad related issues… Read more…

Salisbury — Oct 30th 2013

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Unfortunately, due to problems in the kitchen, those of us who'd planned to eat before the meeting held up the start for almost half an hour. However, at 8:00pm Gordon launched into his rundown of iOS 7. He gave us a very comprehensive presentation including most of the changes from iOS 6 and had prepared before & after screenshots of the icons, some of which have changed beyond all recognition leaving some people searching… Read more…

Fareham — Oct 26th 2013

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Eight members attended the meeting which kicked off discussing the latest and greatest offering from Apple - Mavericks.
Andy then gave a talk on obtaining charts from Numbers using the dummy data from Lionel's talk from the previous meeting.

The meeting closed after further discussions on our favourite products.

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Bournemouth — Oct 15th 2013

3 comments 15 views
Alan Cox welcomed everybody who had made it to the meeting through the traffic gridlock that evening. There were 17 present. He then introduced Ben Cahill, the new Assistant Manager at Solutions, and Dean who repairs Apple kit at Solutions as a fully trained and accredited Apple technician.

Dean gave an interesting presentation on all the seemingly myriad cables that have been and are used to connect our various devices - although he tempered… Read more…

Dorchester — Oct 8th 2013

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John introduced the meeting with 22 members present.

Mark told us about Saving stuff in the Cloud. This was not about backing up, just a personal view of using the Cloud for saving and sharing.
He discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using a Cloud approach.

Mark then presented more detail on iCloud and using it to save and share iWork documents, mail, calendars etc. He observed that problems could… Read more…

Fareham — Sep 28th 2013

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Lionel gave a talk on using Pages to control the Finances of WAMUG using dummy data (so as to not infringe Data Protection laws.

The talk then went on to using the Charting feature in Pages to illustrate the breakdown on subscription payment methods.

This proved to be a challenging activity which would be carried over to the next meeting.

The meeting finished up with the usual discussion on… Read more…
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