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Fareham — Sep 27th 2014

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Lionel Ogden gave the members a talk on Data Backup and specifically the need for offline or remote backup. He reviewed the various online services available from many companies. Usually these services are free until a specific value of data is stored, then the prices vary.

Concerns with online storage services are:
The data upload speed from the local computer to the remote server, even fibre connected machines would experience quite a… Read more…

Salisbury — Sep 24th 2014

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Members present 6 plus 2 visitors

This months meeting was a general discussion including the following:

Closing all open folders in one go using the alt key.
Special Characters, these are pictograms that can be placed into documents.
Facebook, showing what other people and friends have posted.
Editing a movie in iPhoto, using trimming where you can trim out unwanted starts and endings.
Capture a screen shot… Read more…

Bournemouth — Sep 16th 2014

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With a good attendance of some 14 members fresh from the Summer break, Alan kicked off proceedings by introducing Tony Still to talk about what we can expect from Apple's imminent new operating system releases, Yosemite and iOS8.

With annual updates to the iPhone now routine, iOS updates naturally are following the same pattern. Furthermore, as the iOS and MacOS are becoming more tightly integrated, Apple have now adopted an annual update cycle… Read more…

Dorchester — Sep 9th 2014

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Euan gave a very interesting talk on adjusting the quality of photos which one might otherwise simply discard. He arranged semicircular seating around the screen so we could more closely see  the adjustments as they were made. Starting with iPhoto Euan showed the effects of adjusting levels which had the most immediate effect and then showed the effects of playing with Exposure, Contrast, Saturation and the other adjustments offered by iPhoto.  
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Beaminster — Sep 2nd 2014

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For our September meeting we were fortunate to have Iain Cowper, an Apple accredited trainer, mainly with local schools to give us a presentation on creating/editing a video.

Iain gave a thoroughly enjoyable and thoroughly understandable guide to creating and sharing a video on the iPad in iMovie. He demonstrated the very comprehensive versatility that iMovie for the iPad has in so small and affordable a package, demonstrating the ability to add… Read more…

Fareham — Aug 30th 2014

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Derek opened the meeting with a talk entitled
Data - the size, cost and evolution.
A film of a punch card system was shown to illustrate the use of data held on punch cards, sorted by column and reports printed from the data on cards.

The evolution of commercial data storage via paper tape, magnetic tape and large disk drive assemblies was described.

The evolution of domestic data storage media… Read more…

Salisbury — Aug 27th 2014

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6 members with Trevor Noyes

Trevor Noyes visited us at Salisbury to give a very interesting demonstration of “Audasity” a freeware application that is used to edit our old vinyl LP’s, 45’s and tapes that are copied to the Mac using a HiFi system connected to your computer, he showed us how the application can be used to edit out faults such as clicks and scratches that appear… Read more…

Dorchester — Aug 12th 2014

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WAMUG August 2014

David opened this special Q&A meeting, which attracted 21 members who were fully geared up to transmit and/or receive a plethora of (mostly) Mac related information.

Your scribe attempted vainly to record the minutiae thereof, but was overcome by the copious flow of questions, data, hypotheses, speculations, and general advice and miscellaneous chit-chat.

The scope covered was wide, and included the mysteries… Read more…

Salisbury — Jul 30th 2014

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Members present 10

I showed some of my Card Designs and simple drawings, starting with basic card designs and a reminder that you should make sure the card will fold correctly and, very importantly, that it will fit into an envelope.

Then onto some more complicated card design samples, such as triangular folded, bowed, tubular and arranging two cards printed both side in two printer passes, some designs worked but others… Read more…

Bournemouth — Jul 15th 2014

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With two talks to fit in, Alan called the meeting to order and immediately introduced Peter Shepheard to talk on fractals. A Polish born mathematician called Benoit Mandelbrot is generally regarded as the father figure of fractals (Mandelbrot in Wiki).

His talk centred around three applications that allow fractal artwork to be produced with little or no understanding of the underlying mathematics. Peter started by showing pictures of fractal patterns occurring in nature. He then… Read more…
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