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Salisbury — Nov 26th 2014

0 comments 6 views
Number of members present 9

John Hooper took us through Mail Steward and explained how it can copy every email with all its raw data, and also any attachments, from Apple Mail, then archive them all into a single database file. Alternatively, the emails can be stored in separate database files, each one corresponding to separate categories, such as for each year.
We were shown the various aspects of retrieving your emails… Read more…

Bournemouth — Nov 18th 2014

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Peter Shepeard gave an interesting and informative talk about using spreadsheets that he had created using the Numbers application.

His purpose is to keep track of his income and expenditure, as well as to monitor his bank and card accounts. He has now been using the system for at least 10 years.

Initially, he makes estimates of expenditure in various categories. He enters the actual amounts each month which he downloads… Read more…

Dorchester — Nov 11th 2014

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We started the evening with a discussion on Yosemite. Opening the discussion, John suggested that from the various comments he had read it would seem best to stick with Mavericks for the time being. But the eight or so members present who had upgraded were quite happy with Yosemite; Graham had got over his early WiFi problems by switching from Automatic location to a manual setting. David and Drew had their Computers showing up in… Read more…

Beaminster — Nov 4th 2014

2 comments 10 views
Mick Burrell gave a presentation outlining the new features in both OSX 10.10 Yosemite and iOS8. There was a very good attendance for this – Mick seems to draw the crowds! It was good to see Mick showing us in his usual concise and easily understood fashion what we can now do with our Macs, iPads and iPhones, and also to learn which of these can be updated to the latest operating systems. The… Read more…

Salisbury — Oct 29th 2014

0 comments 8 views
Members present 8

Our first session was how to copy film based slides and home movies without a slide or film copier,  what you will need is a digital camera that can take movies, (you could also use the camera on the iPhone, iPad or iPod), a slide/movie projectors and screen, a tripod and your slides and your home movies, then uploading the results to the Mac.

If you… Read more…

Bournemouth — Oct 21st 2014

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The meeting started with a presentation by John Hooper on Passwords and Keychains. Keychains were introduced in 1997 with OS 8.6 to store passwords, wireless keys etc. and to allow designated apps to use this information so that there is no need to type it in every time you visit a web page. John demonstrated how Keychain Access (found in the Utilities folder) is used to manage the passwords stored in your Login Keychain… Read more…

Dorchester — Oct 14th 2014

1 comments 14 views
David M. opened a discussion on IOS 8 by regretting the loss of the camera roll and photo stream but seemed a loan voice. More positively David P. demonstrated the excellent enhancements to the camera and the ability to select the area in picture to focus on first and then to adjust lighting. Mick then demonstrated the much improved editing facilities in the photo app. Both Sheena and John had had problems updating to iOS… Read more…

Beaminster — Oct 8th 2014

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Despite a Wednesday meeting being an unusual night for the Beaminster meeting, there was a respectable turnout to hear Michael Corgan showing ways of adding, altering and sharing photographs using the iPad. He first went through adding photos using Apple and non-Apple connection kits which will either connect to the camera or with an SD card. As alternatives photos can be added via iTunes on a Mac, or (in iOS7 at least) using Photostream… Read more…

Fareham — Sep 27th 2014

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Lionel Ogden gave the members a talk on Data Backup and specifically the need for offline or remote backup. He reviewed the various online services available from many companies. Usually these services are free until a specific value of data is stored, then the prices vary.

Concerns with online storage services are:
The data upload speed from the local computer to the remote server, even fibre connected machines would experience quite a… Read more…

Salisbury — Sep 24th 2014

0 comments 6 views
Members present 6 plus 2 visitors

This months meeting was a general discussion including the following:

Closing all open folders in one go using the alt key.
Special Characters, these are pictograms that can be placed into documents.
Facebook, showing what other people and friends have posted.
Editing a movie in iPhoto, using trimming where you can trim out unwanted starts and endings.
Capture a screen shot… Read more…
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