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Fareham — Mar 21st 2015

1 comments 9 views
There was a very good attendance of 20, which included another six newcomers.

Andy gave us a very interesting talk about a Database Application - MySQL, which he had learnt from a course attended last year.
The software is free since it is Open Source, and is fully functional and very comprehensive.
He explained how to set it up and entered some details, then showed us how you can quickly display some… Read more…

Bournemouth — Mar 17th 2015

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The main feature of this evening's meeting was a talk on Making Photos by Peter Shepheard. He began by putting up three photographs of the same subject and polling the audience on which one they preferred. Evaluation of the results was promised later. . . .

We were also surveyed briefly on what we actually did with our photos. Rather shamefully, 'nothing' came out clearly on top in this one, so Peter went on to talk… Read more…

Dorchester — Mar 10th 2015

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Garageband has come on a long way since Mick demonstrated the Mac version of the program in January 2012 and John Lemon followed that up two months later with its first incarnation on IOS. So for this meeting John Lemon brought us up to date on both versions with a fascinating presentation and demonstration first on the Mac and then on IOS using an iPad. He showed the huge range of virtual instruments to pick… Read more…

Beaminster — Mar 3rd 2015

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Fifteen people were at Beaminster to hear Mick explain very clearly the functions and differences between iCloud and iCloud Drive – the first actively synchronises items in Apple applications such as Contacts and iCal and Mail between all your Apple devices, while the latter acts as storage for any file that you wish to store off of your Apple kit. There were quite a few questions about these which Mick was able to clear up… Read more…

Salisbury — Feb 25th 2015

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Number of members present 10 and 1 guest.

Opening questions, why is Yosemite installer wanting to delete contents of an external hard drive?,
Apple TV, and Sound alerts on a iPad Mini.

Mick pointed out an scam that has fooled a few people into divulging their Apple ID and Password, they have received an e-mail that says it is from Apple and that they need to re-enter their… Read more…

Fareham — Feb 21st 2015

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We had a good attendance of 15, including several new faces.

John talked us through several basic iPad features and then explained how to take a steady photo by using one of the volume control buttons. Then how to attach a photo to an email. He then covered the procedure for installing an App and how to update one.

Next, he demonstrated how to pair a bluetooth keyboard with an iPad… Read more…

Bournemouth — Feb 17th 2015

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Once the rather novel IT setup had been persuaded to function (more later), Tony introduced himself to give a talk on Keynote on the iPad.

The talk covered the design, production and delivery of a presentation, the first section emphasising the importance of sorting out your ideas at the outset, being clear on the objectives of the talk and tailoring it to the intended audience.

Tony's presentation had been prepared entirely… Read more…

Dorchester — Feb 10th 2015

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John opened the meeting with 19 members present.

Mick then gave a talk on iCloud and iCloud Drive, the main distinction being that the former is mainly used to synchronise files automatically (e.g. Contacts, dates) whereas the latter is intended to store files. In this respect, iCloud Drive has much in common with apps such as Dropbox, but is, in some ways, at least at present, more limited than Dropbox in terms… Read more…

Beaminster — Feb 3rd 2015

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There was a good attendance (16, including a very welcome visitor from Fareham - John Hooper, a fellow meeting Organiser) to hear Michael go through the basics of creating a Newsy letter and a News Letter using Pages.
for a few friends
The difference between the two was that the Newsy Letter is designed to be sent to a friend, and the News Letter is a more formal document aimed at a group… Read more…

Salisbury — Jan 28th 2015

2 comments 10 views
Number of members present 9

Mike had a few questions regarding MacKeeper, ZipCloud & JustCloud.

The demonstration was how to use Quick Look that will allow you to view all the files,
pictures and movies in a folder.
What you have to do is locate the folder where you keep the documents, pictures photos or movies you want to look at open the fold and then select all.

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