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Dorchester — Dec 8th 2015

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David Parnell gave a fascinating talk and demonstration on how he edits photographs using Adobe Lightroom and whilst it showed Lightroom to be an excellent product, it was as much the techniques he used, also available using other software, that he wished to get across. To be totally authentic he started by taking a photo David M with a Father Christmas hat and then adjusted the appearance both overall and using filters and masks applied… Read more…

Beaminster — Dec 1st 2015

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There was a really good attendance (the second best since we started) and 23 people heard the two presentations – one from Wayne Bennet, who showed us the best way to make a Keynote presentation. He gave good advice on first assembling all your raw material for the presentation in one place – i.e. graphics and photos as well as text. Next he set up the approximate number of slides he might require to… Read more…

Salisbury — Nov 24th 2015

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Members present 14

David Moon organiser of Dorchester meetings came to us and gave very comprehensive description of Apple Watch functions and how it interacts with the iPhone.

His presentation showed that is can of course give the time day month and year, playing music that is stored on the iPhone via Bluetooth playing through an external speaker.

It is able to display e-mails together with loads of… Read more…

Bournemouth — Nov 17th 2015

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Such is the lure of the Apple Watch that a positive crowd of 14 braved storm Barney to hear Oli of Solutions tell us all about it.

After an introductory video, Oli ran through the main features, highlighting how Notifications makes it easy to read and respond to messages etc. either by selecting from pre-defined responses or by dictation. The watch also uses Siri who can be addressed by pressing the Digital… Read more…

Fareham — Nov 14th 2015

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There was a good attendance of 14 members at this meeting.

David Moon gave a very interesting and informative talk about the Apple Watch.
He described the various faces and straps that were available. The watch works mainly as a slave to an iPhone, but it can function on its own to play music via bluetooth headphones or speakers as he demonstrated.
David was very impressed by the Activity App, which… Read more…

Dorchester — Nov 10th 2015

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Euan asked how many members had bought or are testing Affinity and the levels of interest in photo editing. He clarified the difference between Raster and Vector graphics and the colour systems RGB and CYMK before showing two short introductory videos for Affinity Design (Vector) and Affinity Photo (Raster). These were followed by a quick tour of the user interface and several photo editing examples with the history of each action he had taken to… Read more…

Beaminster — Nov 3rd 2015

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Not only was the weather unkind for our last meeting, but the gods also appeared to be working against us in another direction!

There was a small attendance, which is not surprising, given the rain. But when Michael tried to make his presentation, while it showed up as designed on Robin’s MacBook Pro, all that could be seen on the screen was a black square with a small white square in… Read more…

Salisbury — Oct 27th 2015

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Members present 12 and 1 guest

We started off with a Q&A we were told us of a scam attempt received, and a question on how to connect a USB flash drive to an iPad also a question regarding creating a web site.

A short description of some items that are used in Pages, changing from word-processing to page layout mode, using headers and footers putting a graphic… Read more…

Bournemouth — Oct 20th 2015

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After a battle with a Mac and projector that were not on speaking terms, John Hooper got off to a late start in showing us how keyboard shortcuts, in lieu of using the mouse for everything, can improve the efficiency of common tasks on the Mac and now iPad too. We discovered that most of us use few shortcuts beyond cut and paste.
John distributed a comprehensive reference sheet of shortcuts and highlighted their… Read more…

Dorchester — Oct 13th 2015

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Mark opened the evening with an entertaining Keynote presentation about Calendar, starting with a look back at earlier Personal Information Manager apps — he even turned up an entry dated Jan 20th 1995 from Claris Organiser an early PIM app. He showed how to create, share and subscribe to calendars on both Mac and IOS and how in recent OSX and iOS versions you can click on a date… Read more…
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