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Fareham — May 14th 2016

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Eleven people, including one guest, attended this meeting.

John gave a talk explaining the terms: Downloading, Uploading, Updating, Streaming and Syncing, all of which actually perform a similar task of copying data from one device to another. Data that is downloaded from the internet would be either stored as a file, or only temporarily stored in a cache.
He mentioned that whenever we're using the Internet, we're either downloading or uploading data… Read more…

Dorchester — May 10th 2016

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Brian Tapper from our Salisbury Group gave us a very entertaining and informative demonstration of Keynote which, he emphasised was his very personal way of using this flexible software. The images he had previously drawn moved across the screen along many different paths. Brian showed how by reducing the size of the Keynote slide, the pasteboard around it becomes visible so that items positioned off the slide can move onto, across or off the slide… Read more…

Beaminster — May 3rd 2016

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There were 14 people at the meeting including three new faces – and a remarkable collection of Dianes/Dianas (4 in all).
Mick gave a very clear and comprehensive demonstration of just how easy it is to use iTunes for syncing between appliances. It is possible to select the quality of songs and so lessen the amount of space they take on an iPad or iPhone – very necessary if their is only a… Read more…

Salisbury — Apr 26th 2016

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Salisbury meeting, 26th April

12 members present

Mick stared off with a presentation showing how easy it it to put Custom ringtone on your mobile phone, using Garage Band to edit a short piece of music to fit by removing the lead in so that it started at the correct point, then saving it as MP3 ready to import it into your mobile phone.

Following Mick, Euan showed us… Read more…

Bournemouth — Apr 19th 2016

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Tony Still opened the meeting with a report from the WAMUG Committee meeting where there was a discussion about how useful the weekly bulletin was. Most of the members found it useful. The question was also asked about how many members subscribed to the iCal Calendar from the website. Not many people had noticed it as is only visible when you are logged in (at the bottom of the calendar page).

The main… Read more…

Dorchester — Apr 11th 2016

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In his earlier talk about making an iPhone ringtone, Mick had explained how to save the ringtone from Garageband to iTunes so that when you sync your iPhone to iTunes it will copy the file to the iPhone. As some members rely on syncing their devices via iCloud and have little experience of using their Mac with iTunes, Mick explained this month how to do just that. Other than not running out of iCloud storage… Read more…

Fareham — Apr 9th 2016

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Twelve members attended this meeting.

John gave a presentation about the different ways that adverts could find their way onto your computer screen.
He started with spam emails, which could either be targeted to you, or just sent out randomly to millions of acquired email addresses.
He emphasised that when filling out on-line forms, you should always look for the 'marketing' tick box and check if the tick means yes… Read more…

Beaminster — Apr 5th 2016

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There was a good attendance (15 people, including two new members) to hear Michael show some of the options for both Mac and iOS that can be changed using System Preferences and Settings respectively. The first thing was how to find these means of altering the way things work, and as always, particularly on the Mac there was more than one route that could be taken to do this. Having established this, Michael went… Read more…

Salisbury — Mar 29th 2016

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12 members attended

We started with a look at a few gadgets, for a bit of fun my Selfie Stick used with an iPod was passed around to take some interesting photos, next up a Veho Discovery microscope showing a couple of specimens that were saved, an iPod Shuffle attached to a small speaker played some music, one or two of my gadgets unfortunately did not work as well as I had hoped… Read more…

Bournemouth — Mar 15th 2016

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March's main presentation was given by WAMUG chairman Mick Burrell with an attendance of 15 keen attendees.

Mick started by looking back to the discussion on iCloud. iCloud can back-up and synchronise iOS devices (iPhones and iPads) but it syncs all music and all photos etc. Mick questioned whether this was what users really wanted, especially those having devices with smaller memory sizes. He then explained that iTunes running on a Mac… Read more…
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