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Fareham — Oct 8th 2016

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There were 9 members at this meeting, and we had a slightly delayed start due to an unexpected room change!
The meeting today was not as technical as normal, but still had a link with Apple devices.

Euan, from Dorchester, gave us a very interesting talk about how punctuation has evolved over the years.
He started by explaining how punctuation can change and clarify the meaning of a sentence, that would… Read more…

Beaminster — Oct 4th 2016

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15 members and 2 guests both of which joined during the meeting after receiving invaluable help with queries!

Mick gave us presentation on iPad/iphone basics such as where the switches are and what they do, then explaining the apps screens, how to move the app icons around to another screen if needed, deleting then and creating and renaming folders. What is in the Systems, battery usage and how much space the different… Read more…

Salisbury — Sep 27th 2016

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15 members and 1 guest

Mick started off with a look at the iPad, starting at the basics such as where the switches are and what they do, then explaining the apps screens, how to move the app icons around to another screen if needed, deleting then and creating and renaming folders. What is in the Systems, battery usage and how much space the different apps take up, also how to find what… Read more…

Bournemouth — Sep 20th 2016

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The first post-holidays meeting was attended by fifteen members who were rewarded by Tony handing out complimentary USB sticks, with strict orders to read the contents, before commencing his talk on Malware. (Sticks are for all members so there will be a further opportunity at the next meeting).

Malware, which may include Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Bots, Adware etc. takes the form of a program placed on your computer covertly. It usually tries… Read more…

Dorchester — Sep 13th 2016

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John Hooper suggested that most of us never dig very deeply into the Settings on either IOS or Mac OS devices, and that it is well worth taking an in-depth look at Settings as it offers many useful and customisable options. As they pretty well parallel each other, he concentrated on IOS. Firstly he showed the structure of the Settings menu and how these can bring up nested subsidiary settings by selecting an item… Read more…

Fareham — Sep 10th 2016

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Eight members attended this meeting, in spite of the rain!

John gave us a talk about the iOS version of the Photos app, as used on the iPad.
He explained the basic editing features and showed how the images and videos are organised into Moments, Collections and Years. Individual Albums for different categories are created automatically, such as for Video, Time-lapse, Screenshots, Favourites and many others, depending on what content you… Read more…

Beaminster — Sep 6th 2016

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An average turnout of 14 to hear an excellent presentation by Michael on what can be done with Preview. He showed that this app, which comes free with every Mac, has a surprising range of capabilities in dealing with both PDFs and with images. He showed that these files could be imported into the app not only from a Mac, but from a scanner, direct from a camera, and of course from external drives, CDs… Read more…

Salisbury — Aug 30th 2016

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14 members and one guest

Brian demonstrated editing a movie in iMovie, explaining that most of us will have a movie camera with us with nearly all smart phones, iPads will have two each.

Using a movie taken from a small movie camera of a car trip from Salisbury to Wilton that had already been downloaded giving it a quick play to see what we have, and then making 3 copies… Read more…

Dorchester — Aug 9th 2016

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A quick check round the 17 members present showed a good level of backup procedures. Quite a few use Time machine on a non-continuous basis and others had secondary backups of photos and other files. Some members used drive partitions for clones and Time Machine backups on external drives. Mick who has business documents on his computer keeps a backup off-site in case of fire or other disaster. There was a discussion about cloud… Read more…

Salisbury — Jul 26th 2016

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15 members attending

David came to us from Dorchester to present mark-up in Preview, starting with converting some documents to PDF and importing them into Preview by dragging the single pages together to make a single master document, Them selecting several paragraphs and adding notes to be sent to others for editing before returning, also adding a signature to a form and filling in a forms details. Importing a picture putting on… Read more…
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