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Salisbury — Mar 28th 2017

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19 members attended

John Lemon travelled from Bridport to present a very interesting explenation of a free app ViewRanger, produced by Ordnance Survey shows high definition OS maps that can be used on iPad and iPhone you are able to zoom in on a particular area.

The maps are the same high quality of the more familiar paper maps, these can be downloaded and paid for at a very reasonable price… Read more…

Bournemouth — Mar 21st 2017

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March's main topic was the story of the disks in out Macs, presented by Tony Still with 11 members, 13 people in all, in attendance. Tony first talked about the evolution of non-volatile (permanent) computer storage from magnetic tapes through to the disks that we know today. He described the current move towards SSDs (flash memory) that are already ubiquitous in iPhones and iPads.

We then explored the many disk formats available… Read more…

Dorchester — Mar 14th 2017

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Tony raised our understanding of Malware and the ways in which Apple helps defend us from it. His talk focused on macOS but most points are also applicable to iOS. He excluded eMail and Social Media from his talk as these have been covered by others and the vulnerabilities are user-enabled.
Malware, short for Malicious Software, includes viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware, adware and ‘bots’. All are program code, designed to… Read more…

Fareham — Mar 11th 2017

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This month the members attending were down to seven.

Michael Corgan travelled from Bridport to give us a very interesting presentation, describing and demonstrating the many features of the Preview application.
He emphasized that it was much more than just a document viewer. You can take screenshots, scan from a USB connected scanner, or import photos directly from a camera or from a file, then crop, resize, edit and convert them to… Read more…

Beaminster — Mar 7th 2017

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There was another good attendance, with 20 people coming along to learn some of the basics about iTunes. Michael’s presentation covered playing CDs and music from the iTunes Library, ripping CDs and a little technical stuff about the best settings to use for whatever you are copying (there are only two, so not too difficult to follow), and how to load audio books, which need a different technique in some respects.

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Salisbury — Feb 28th 2017

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12 members and one guest attended

The meeting began with a Q&A with subject ranging from putting your own icon on folders, how to remove the pop-up flash at the start of using Pages, not showing all the e-mails when send to multiple people.

Brian then went on to demonstrate a few points in Pages, getting text to runaround a graphic and using Instant Alpha from a… Read more…

Bournemouth — Feb 21st 2017

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A hardy 7 members braved February for a dose of nostalgic recycling. John Ansell presented the means of moving your vinyl records into iTunes so that you can listen to them again without all that cleaning, turning over halfway through and unwanted clicks and pops.

John first played some comparative samples, showing how a ripped vinyl record can sound as good as a first-generation CD version and, to some ears, sound better than… Read more…

Dorchester — Feb 14th 2017

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Mick explained how to make full use of Calendar on both Macs and IOS devices. Assuming one is using iCloud, the calendars are synchronised on each device. Make, modify or delete an entry and the update will be pushed to the others via iCloud. To make a new entry on the Mac just click in on the calendar roughly where you want to make the entry and the enter detail window opens. On IOS you… Read more…

Fareham — Feb 11th 2017

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Fareham Meeting - 11th Feb 2017

We had 10 people including one guest who (whisper it quietly) was from the other side - a ""doze" and Android phone user.

Derek's topic for the meeting was based around panorama images.

Much to all the smart phone users surprise it was discovered that the smart phone could take panoramic or widescreen pictures. Lots of fun ensued as all the smart… Read more…

Beaminster — Feb 7th 2017

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John Hooper appeared from the Mysterious East - well, Southampton - to give an enjoyable demonstration of ways to:

first, see what is in the smallest print on screen, creating either a magnifying glass to move around the screen, or enlarging the screen and moving around within that.
and second, get your Mac and iPad/iPhone to talk to you, listen to you,and turn what you say into text or to carry… Read more…
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