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Dorchester — Jan 9th 2018

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Based on his visit to a marvellous private museum “somewhere on earth”, Tony led us through the evolution of Apple products under the guiding eye and drive of Steve Jobs from the first Apple computer to the iPad — including Steve’s development of Next computer whilst he was away from Apple — and how Next heralded the second era of Apple’s recovery following his return. Tony set challenging questions… Read more…

Beaminster — Jan 2nd 2018

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A smaller than usual attendance and a shorter than usual presentation – Michael showed the 11 people at the first AUGW meeting of 2018 different ways of getting help when confronted with a problem. Going online was a varied experience, depending on the manufacturer of the mis-behaving device or app – needless to say, Apple scored highly with an easily negotiable web site and a brilliant response – they call you! Printer manufacturers… Read more…

Bournemouth — Dec 19th 2017

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Bournemouth AUG December 2017
11 members assembled at our new venue, All Fired Up.

The main event was a presentation by Tony about his recent visit to a little-known Apple museum. Just to make sure we paid attention, a sheet of questions was handed out beforehand, with the promise that we would be marked afterwards.

The museum houses a private collection of all things Apple, covering the period 1976… Read more…

Dorchester — Dec 12th 2017

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This was something of a gala meeting, and not to be missed! Our choral ensemble performed quite well after a slightly uncertain start. Martin laid down a live guitar backing track in Garage Band by selecting the Voice option for the track and using his MacBook Air’s internal microphone. After a choral dress rehearsal we sang the first verse of ‘Summertime’ before Martin added it as a new voice track over… Read more…

Fareham — Dec 9th 2017

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We had a very good turnout by 18 members this month.

Mick began by reminding everyone that John would like to stand down as Fareham Organiser after March 2018, so invited anyone interested in this position to contact him.

Euan introduced us to Apple's much-neglected Automator app in our Application folders and to how useful it is for repetitive jobs such as renaming files while adding sequential numbering; converting a… Read more…

Beaminster — Dec 5th 2017

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It is obvious that the prospect of mince pies is a great enticement, to judge by the very good attendance of 20 people at our December meeting. They were rewarded (if that is the right word) by listening to Michael extolling the list of Things That Can Be Done on iPads and (to some extent) iPhones mainly under iOS11. This included the various options for creating different types of Notes, including making a scan (difficult… Read more…

Salisbury — Nov 28th 2017

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David brought the replacement projector and large screen which was set up and used for our November meeting with great success and approval.

After a Q&A where there were questions regarding silencing the start-up tone, recovering lost e-mails after up-grade to High Sierra and why are photos put in albums on iPad.

Brian showed us a short movie on how to design a small cup for… Read more…

Bournemouth — Nov 21st 2017

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13 members met for the first time at out new venue of All Fired Up.

Mick gave a Christmas-themed presentation on creating greetings cards from Photos on the Mac. You can choose any photo(s) from your library and turn them into a card using File>Create>Card. A number of formats are available and a card can include a second photo inside to complement the one on the front… Read more…

Dorchester — Nov 14th 2017

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David discussed sharing. First up, how to share an editable document on iCloud Drive or, with DropBox, share a folder, sharing files by logging in to a computer on the same network and also using a shared file server. Mick explained how to avoid these complexities as users on the same network can pass documents back and forth using the built-in User folder’s Public folder plus “Dropbox” (nothing to do… Read more…

Fareham — Nov 11th 2017

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There were 11 members at this meeting.

David gave us an interesting insight into the world of Digital Currency.
He showed us a presentation he prepared in 2014 on Bitcoin and the blockchain, and emphasised the significant changes in the scale of the operation just three years later. He then showed the iPhone app of Monzo Bank, one of the new online-only banks recently licensed by the Bank of England. He… Read more…
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