15 people were at the Fareham September meeting in which Euan Williams showed us a demonstration of the many facets of the app TextEdit which is only available on the MacOs platform.
He explained that TexEdit is so much more than a simple WordProcessor and not a cut down version of Pages and showed us that it has a lot of features when you explore it more.
Euan did a quick run…
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Quite a small attendance for Beaminster - just 11 people were there to hear Michael show off most of the things than can be done with Spotlight (keyboard shortcut ctrl-spacebar ) on the Mac, how to record telephone conversations using your smart phone and Mac, how to print off Reminders lists, and for iOs how to save iPhone Messages, put photos and videos directly into Notes, forward text messages from an iPhone, plus a few tips…
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Barry took us through the very useful and interesting free website MacMost giving us hints and tips, sign up to MacMost and you get a weekly newsletter with links to loads of tips and helpful videos that are clear and explains how to do it.
Barry showed us several online tutorial videos, to demonstrate what was on offer.
There are video tutorials covering nearly everything you are likely to want to…
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Mick took us through the basics in Numbers using a spreadsheet showing transactions on a hypothetical bank account — he advises against that use for real! In addition to columns for the date, description, credit and debit entries he set up a column for the running balance, showing how to make the formula for the calculation and how this can quickly be copied down the column. Numbers is clearly very user friendly; for example when…
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All Macs have a very useful but possibly under used app Text Edit, we asked Euan to show us what Text Edit had to offer from this useful application; from a word processor with features like tabs, spell checking able to create tables, also be able edit plain and rich text and create HTML files
Text Edit will open and save documents formats drawing attention to
File - Revert to, which offers a…
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Nine members attended the July meeting to hear Tony Still talk about Blu-ray: ‘a bag of hurt’? Tony first covered the history of Blu-ray, the “next generation DVD” supporting HD, 3D and, in an incompatible new form, 4K. In the search for this, new blue light lasers were developed at significant cost. Steve Jobs refused to adopt Blu-ray for Macs due to complex and expensive licensing and security…
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12 people attended the Fareham meeting when Tony Still gave us a talk on iPad, My iPad.
This talk was about personalising the iPad so you can work the way you prefer.
He noted that iOS 11 was a big step and made the iPad more of complete computer and less of a big screen phone.
He showed us how you could personalise the Desktop Wallpaper with some personal details, like…
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Euan showed us that Text Edit is a surprisingly powerful and useful application; a capable word processing app with full formatting facilities, tabs, tables, grammar and spell checking — capable of creating and editing plain text, rich text and HTML. It will open and save documents in a number of word processor formats. He drew particular attention to three menu items: File > Revert to… which offers a Time Machine style history of each…
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The non appearance of a projector & screen was quickly got over when Mick produced his projector & Stan popped home to get his screen. Big thank you to both for rescuing things!
A smaller than usual number of members 11, (I blame England's World Cup game! ) came along to our July meeting to hear Mick give a presentation on the basics of filling system for macOS and the new files app in…
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For our June meeting we made a movie, a Stop-Motion Movie.
Everyone took part by moving our star “Claris the Crocadile (a large cuddly toy)”
Claris was gradually moved around the tables while a photograph was taken after each move, about 25 photos to create the action.
During the break the camera photos were be downloaded to Photos and made into a slideshow, then save as…
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