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Beaminster — Jun 7th 2022

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With an excellent attendance it was a lively meeting. David P showed how Numbers could be used to test whether your passport falls foul of any of the rules being applied to test validity for visits to EC destinations. Euan in very short order had prepared a summary of what had been revealed at the WWDC event - new chips, new features. Of particular note was the way multiple open windows will be handled so as… Read more…

Salisbury — May 31st 2022

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On a warm and sunny Salisbury evening, 11 members and one guest were treated to a quartet of presentations.

Euan showed the versatility of Text Edit, how it can be used to read documents in almost any original format and convert them to ones suitable for use. Existing styles can be copied and advanced formatting can be employed. The app has built-in Time Machine auto-save. Live URLs may be converted to… Read more…

Fareham — May 14th 2022

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Ten members came to Warsash for an interactive tutorial from Euan on iMovie, with short films he'd already produced and some he put together on the spot, complete with amusing sound effects. Some of us had filmed short clips, so that we could edit and manipulate them into something hopefully entertaining- and the results were indeed worth watching. Well, apart from Stuart, whose ageing MacBook (2009!) proved positively prehistoric when trying to edit 1080p footage… Read more…

Dorchester — May 10th 2022

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We were rather a small group for Dorchester with just 10 members present. Mick demonstrated how to create a Database in Numbers and in this instance he had used the IOS, iPad, version demonstrating that whilst a little more obtuse than the Mac , it nevertheless has all the same capabilities which are very comprehensive. The example database was about the storage and monitoring of food product - Mick does not like broccoli! Those of us locked… Read more…

Beaminster — May 3rd 2022

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It was good to be back with double figures for attendees at a Beaminster meeting in the new location, the Strode Room which is proving a very suitable and comfortable space with good facilities in attractive surroundings

Mick showed a number of features of Safari on both Mac and iPad, starting with some Preferences/Settings effecting the opening of new pages and tabs, demonstrating the use of tabs in the process. He then… Read more…

Salisbury — Apr 26th 2022

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The planned presentations on iPad having been deferred due to the unavoidable absence of the requesting members, Barry gave an overview of how the absence of significant computing power hampered original research. In a hospital environment, he used punched-cards to collect information that he then able to work on to produce an article for the regional Hospital Board.

Later, data collected in General Practice was managed exclusively by the Pharmaceutical Industry.
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Dorchester — Apr 12th 2022

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David highlighted to new improved features of the lates version of FaceTime which need Monterey 12.3 and IOS 15.4 to get the maximum benefit. As everyone present was familiar with online banking we passed over that item on the agenda though Gill Francis drew our attention that you can and how see see your PIN number via most, if not all online banking apps. In the second half using two projectors Euan showed… Read more…

Fareham — Apr 9th 2022

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Nine members came to Warsash for a talk by David on iCloud Keychain, which (on newer OS versions at least) enables password management across multiple Apple devices. Following that, Mick discussed mobile banking apps, which diverged into a (very interesting) discussion on how that might or might not work with multi-million or billion transactions. … Read more…

Beaminster — Apr 5th 2022

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We had a few apologies for not attending (accompanied by promises to do better in future!) but seven of us tried our new venue - The Strode Hall - and pronounced it a success. We had a brief presentation showing how easy it is to use iOS for online banking and then had a break for coffee and general discussion.… Read more…

Salisbury — Mar 29th 2022

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After a splendid meal, Andrew Spence demonstrated some of the capabilities of GarageBand to the assembled group. He showed how easy it was to mix tracks together and to enhance the sound by judicious use of pan and reverb controls. He has altered the standard ringtone on his iPhone to a more soothing alternative. Though the majority of his demonstration was made by playing his own guitar, he also showed the capabilities of GarageBand to… Read more…
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