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Dorchester — Aug 9th 2022

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Euan showed us how to remove an image from its background, highlighting the importance of horses for courses, starting at the basic level using instant alpha included in most Apple standard apps and progressing to features available in Affinity and other high end programs. He demonstrated the flexibility of the selection brush using a wide brush for basic selection and then refining, varying the brush diameter, adding to the selection or subtracting by holding down… Read more…

Beaminster — Aug 2nd 2022

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Mick showed us how to do various things in Mail: switch 'conversations' or 'threads' on/off, adopt the correct etiquette and delete those email addresses which the system finds for us but which don't reside in Contacts. David P demo'd OS Maps for use by walkers. Other maps were mentioned but one that was brought to our attention at the meeting was: Whatever electronic mapping aid you use, if you are… Read more…

Salisbury — Jul 26th 2022

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With a number of members having travel plans disrupted or other matters requiring attention, this meeting had a smaller than usual attendance. A group of 6 of us were present as Brian gave a fascinating insight into how he could use Keynote to produce animated and layered effects that gave a unique insight into how this application could be used to produce not just presentations but also enhanced videos with animation of inanimate objects, birthday… Read more…

Dorchester — Jul 12th 2022

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Paul showed us Kamoot, a mapping system aimed at cyclists. He started by showing routes he had cycled with photos taken at various stops on the journeys creating a very visual diary. In addition to the detail mapping of the route, all the physical data, speeds, changes in altitudes etc is recorded, linked in his case via his Bosch Kiox a neat trip computer which clips to the handlebars allowing his iPhone to be stowed… Read more…

Fareham — Jul 9th 2022

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Nine members came to Warsash for an informal Q&A session. John H inquired about how to get text out of a PDF, and there was much discussion about image metadata, and how and when to delete it (so as not to identify one's location when not advisable). David had also brought along a broken Retina MacBook 12" which had much interest, and discussion how… Read more…

Beaminster — Jul 5th 2022

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As well as providing 1:1 help three topics were presented. Using the iPhone as a Hot Spot to obtain access to the Internet to avoid insecure public wifi systems or because there is no wifi service available. We translated phrases in Japanese and Italian using Translate apps on the iPhone and discussed the relative merits of Apple vs Google translate apps. Finally using an iPad we looked at two ways of creating a flyer… Read more…

Salisbury — Jun 28th 2022

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This meeting, attended by ten members and two guests, was devoted to the iPad. All the iPad owners had been asked to bring
their iPads to the meeting.

Barry commenced by outlining the many changes that the iPad had gone through since it first appeared in 2010. There have
been 9 generations of the iPad, 6 of the iPad Mini, 5 of the iPad Air and 5 of the iPad Pro… Read more…

Online — Jun 21st 2022

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As a change from the normal Apple related talks, Richard gave us a fascinating insight into the world of Hi-Fi. Having been delving into it since the 1970s, he shared with us his wealth of knowledge and exploded some myths and hype. He finished by going into more detail about loudspeakers - the different types and designs - explaining their strong and weak points.… Read more…

Dorchester — Jun 14th 2022

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David was focusing on the file management of Photos on the Mac emphasising that he was talking about libraries and not albums. A photos library with the suffix .photoslibrary contains everything in Photos with single database of the photos and all the relative albums and search functions. In the early days of the iCloud My Photo Stream was the default method of linking photos across devices via the Cloud. Photo Stream could not and cannot… Read more…

Fareham — Jun 11th 2022

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Ten members located themselves at Warsash for a couple of navigation-themed presentations. First, David showed us how to find ourselves with Apple Maps, with both Mac and iOS devices. Some of us were clearly more in need of navigational assistance- or assistance in how to navigate- than others, but we all found our destinations eventually! Secondly, Mick talked about what3words (see, a super-easy (well, once you've got the hang of it… Read more…
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